I went to lecture again today, introductory macroeconomics, shesh, damn boring, thank god i’m taking law now. I met up with nicholas, yeanpeng, joyce, toon, jenkin and julian today. It’s the first time i see nicholas here ever since i came here. Didnt do nothin much today, went tahkei with nicholas then yamcha for a while. I had pizza and pasta for dinner at Mark’s, damnnn nice…cabonara and 1/2 pizza tandy chicken and marinara. yum yum
Category: Travel
Melbourne Trip 2001 – Day 15
I went to melbourne uni today, attended 2 lectures, psychology lecture and concept accounting lecture. i slept at the psychology lecture, fuh..the theatre rite, damn hightech..hehe..somemore their seats are like cinema seats (tgv seats), so nice and comfy, i feel asleep for the whole class..ehhhehe
Melbourne Uni damn alot of ppl, they even haf some sports activity going on for free. There’s kickboxing, thaibo, wushu, fencing, etc etc..Butthen, free for one week only..sheshh..
Accounting concepts seems to be a very easy subject, it’s like my alevel accounting, and slightly easier, i wish i could take that subject..hehe
Trinity college is just next to Melbourne Uni (the colege where my gf used to study). It’s a nice place, with old block of building, wish i bought my camera along.
I’m going to uni tomolo again, sheshh, have to wake up early eventhought i’m on holiday, arghhhhh
Melbourne Trip 2001 – Day 13
I met a lot of my friends today. Firstly, this afternoon, I went yamcha with sAsa, cHeeKyGaL and another friend at vis café, she has completely changed from hairstyle to dressing. It seems that her other 2 friends were from kl also, used to rave a lot. While at night, I met up with my old alevels course mates. They’ve just arrived from KL. I met up with akarvodo, akarhong, Irene, Johan and Roaland at Crowns. Johan damn chubby ohrehdeh, hehe. Akarvodo drives an altezza, fuh, damn power man.
After sitting there for couple of minutes, we ended up in Lin’contro at Swanston. Unexpectedly, Ker Wynn was there too. He was there for like 3 week ohrehdeh. He was with his friends that time so he didn’t join us for a drink . Few moments later, Jen Kin, Joyce and Yean Peng arrived. Had a few words with them, then they sat somewhere else. Me, Johan, gf, Irene, akarhong and roaland sat there for 2 hours. I went home bout 3 something, had to walk back home, no more trams oleidi. I notice there were a lot of drunkard along the road, Saturday night, everyone pei-ing everywhere.
Melbourne Trip 2001 – Day 12
Yet another lifeless day, i stayed at home whole day playing freecell, while for dinner, i had Japanese food at Yoyogi, Swanston St. I had Una Don (eel rice), gooodddd…..
Oh well, meet some of my gf’s frens today, went yamcha wif ann, keong, honsan and thinyaw….
Melbourne Trip 2001 – Day 11

Melbourne Trip 2001 – Day 9
Another cold and usual day, i tried this spicy minced meat at this Shanghai noodle restaurant, very very big bowl, it’s about $5 a bowl..i think i my stomach almost burst when i finish the whole thing.
and oh yeah, happy bday voonhiM!!!
and happy belated bday choi hsia
tomolo i’ll be off to see penguins at some island, it’s gonna be veryvery cold there.i heard its about 5 degrees. i’ll bring all my bloody jacket over therE. Winter really makes ur appetite grow, i’ve eaten alot today, and i’m still hungry!! oh well, i think i’ll eat a piece of kitkat chunk..hehe
shit i’m getting fattttt arghgh
Melbourne Trip 2001 – Day 8
Tadaaa…I went shopping again today. This time I went to Chappel street and bought a big hooded jacket. Then I took a tram to the beach, St Kilda Beach, it was very very very cold! It’s like the wind from South Pole blowing towards here..argh. The water was quite clean surprisingly, comparing to our lovely Port Dickson. I had fish and chips for dinner. Very nice (yeah, again), but the portion was too big, uh, we had some leftovers, and fed them to seagulls. After being bored to death at home, we went for ice-cream at New Zealand Natural on Lygon *yums*!! Still feeling very wai sek we then had Lamb Souvlaki @ Lambs (AGAIN). Better this time.. not so salty .. g’nite all!
Melbourne Trip 2001 – Day 7
I woke up early today, went to Vic Mart (Market) to buy some groceries back home. It seems that the market here has some similarity with our market in Malaysia, the sellers here chants up their current prices loudly to everyone. The funny thing is, almost every shop is competing who is louder. The market here is far much cleaner than Malaysia of course. Back in KL, you’ll probably step into a puddle of $#@$# while your walking in the market. My gf bought 2 CDs at J.B Hi-fi for $4 each, damn cheap! Gatecrasher CD for $14++ I think, while some newest dance CDs cost bout $29.90. I had Vietnamese food for dinner today at Pho Zung with my gf, and her friends, Ann Chang, Jeannette and Hon San. Very nice indeed. It seems that most of the food I ate in Melbourne are nice huh? Oh no, minus the Slovlakis I had, it tasted, eumm too salty! I went to this adult shop (something like Mid Valley’s sex shop). Compared to KL, the one I went to today was AMAZING!!! They have plenty of dildos, fake pussies and asses, gay men videos and mags.. ewwwwww fake tits,etcetc.. they even have a cinema with different prices for different kinda of ppl.. e.g. senior citizens pay $6.90, while students pay $12.10, but most of the ppl I saw were old men (HORNY old men..) h0h0 Nighttime in Melbourne is pretty boring if you don’t club/rave here, I spend the whole night watching TV and VCD..sheshh
Melbourne Trip 2001 – Day 6
An inactive day today, I was suppose to call bABybOo a.k.a. Pam, she asked me to go clubbing at Sirens today, but I guess I was lazy, sorry Pam!, hehe. I had Souvlakis Lamb for dinner at Lamb’s in Queensberry St. , it’s lamb with bbq sauce and garlic sauce wrapped in Pita Bread. The lamb’s quite salty, *eiiyuck* I tried Sub Zero Lemon just now, pretty nice. There’s also Sub Zero Mango, hmm, interesting huh?
Melbourne Trip 2001 – Day 5
I had a long walk today, woke up bout 12 something, went to National Bank to change my old aussie notes to the new ones. After that, I went shopping! Smith St. was my first destination, there’s a lot of warehouses there, as in those branded warehouses. I bought a pair of Nike Sneakers for $120 at the Nike warehouse. My next stop was, Swanston St., bought a cap at Nike and a pair of shorts. By the time I finish shopping, it’s already 5pm, shops are closing that time, I ended up eating dinner at A1 café at Russell St. They have pretty good stuff there, I had this Char siew Siew chu yuk fan with egg chiffon, very tasty indeed. And for dessert I had ice cream from Hungry Jacks *yummy*! Lovely! While at night, it was all TV all night longggg..yawn..gnite