That lady who said, “It takes 3 working days to process” remind me of a friend. Makes me feel like punching her. waa chhhaaaaaa
If you had seen the Singaporean movie, Just Follow the Law (starring Gurmit Singh and Fann Wong *drool) you’ll note that Fann Wong’s mum (in that movie) said that she has a blog called, “Lao Zha Bor dot Blog Spot dot Com”.
And the blog actually exists!
Lao Zhar Bor, in Chinese means, old lady. This lady actually learnt how to set up a blog and even created a rap video to post on the website. It’s quite an interesting read. I note that a lady of her age speaks like a young girl 😀
i read from newspaper about this movie before. This website is set up by their production company as what they said.
wah respect the lao zha bor!
omg!the rap video really funny! hahahaha!
I doubt the one who blogging is laozhabo god-daughter, btw, the Rap video…salute!!
have you all seen her pic of her clad in only a TOWEL?? quite cute one ah..
looks like its time for me to reveal who bimbobum is.
bimbobum is actually laozharbo!
want to see me in a towel???
Bimbo: Wuahaha,i’m waiting……..
Apparently, LaoZharBo wants to take the fight to XiaXue on becoming Singapore’s most popular blogger.
Bimbobum: Go ahead….:P…