Dad has been sick for this couple of days. He’s down with flu hence he resorted to plain porridge everyday. So today he requested for Bovril, a thick beef patty extract. I search high and low for it. The only thing I could find was Marmite. After half an hour, I asked the lady whether or not they have Bovril. She said,
“Bovril? No more stock la. Aiyah, haven’t you heard? Mad Cow Disease ah”
Me: Er.. I thought it only happened in US?
“Aiyah precaution mah”
Yeah….rightttttttttttt…. 😀 😀 😀
oh yUmMmynEsss!!!mARmiTEe…VEGIMITE….o0o0o hungry mans ;p
Vegemite my favourite!!! whoAaaa…
i used to LOVE bovril when i was a kid. like..porridge? bring it on!! 🙂
brovil should be made the national porridge enhancer in malaysia ….
I still have Bovril in my fridge! Tee hee! A BIG bottle at that. Bovril rocks! 😉
gosh, i’m still eating beef. 10 years is long enough to live a good life. hahehae. *choi*
i cant eat beef.. i got this skin allergy thingy one.
an aussie bus driver todl me this while i was in melbourne “vegemite: When it was first released (not under the name of Vegemite), nobody liked it. The company decided to change its name and it had a public competition for a new name. A 12 year old girl suggested the name vegemite because of its vegetable extracts and the similarity to marmite. Furthermore, according to our bus driver, during World War I, Vegemite saved hundreds of life. The Australian government provided Vegemite to the Red Cross to deliver to Aussie prisoners of war. Due to the fact that vegemite has the highest vitamin B than any other food, many of the prisoners were saved from malnourishment.” lynn: big bottle of bovril ah..dont eat liao mad cow diseease liao keekpikey: allegic to beef? thats the first time i hear that ;D
o0o0o vegimite…100% suitable for vegetarians…w00ttt!!!!
errrrrrr…de last time when i was a kid i HATE BOVRIL!!!!! *yuck*dunno bout now…ekkekee..dun dare to touch
aiyah just get “ham yu” (salted fish) lah
irene..u donno what you’re missing leeheh