Tioman Island: Mersing to Tioman Island – Part II

One of the villagers offered to bring us to the correct jetty at RM50 per person. It was too expensive.

We called our hotel, Berjaya Tioman Island Resort, to enquire whether they could come and get us. Unfortunately, they don’t have a boat to get us.

Fortunately, Him managed to convince a local fisherman to bring to to the correct jetty at RM200. Within no time, we threw our bags on to the fisherman’s boat and headed straight to Berjaya Tioman Island Resorts’s jetty.

When we reached Berjaya Tioman Island Resorts’s jetty, it was around 12am. We took 8 hours from Mersing to get to Tioman Island! I could have reached Melbourne, Australia with 8 hours.

At the jetty..

The receptionists at Berjaya Resorts were very surprised to hear our story. We looked exhausted and dirty.

sLoonG looked as if someone rolled him down the hill.

Syen’s pants was awfully dirty

KF had eye bags of a panda

We checked into our hotel rooms, took a shower and rushed to the mamak outside the hotel. Food never tasted that good.

We were very fortunate to be well and alive. We would have turned into fish food and nobody knew about it. I wouldn’t do it again even someone pays me to do so. I highly admire the Vietnamese boat people who once went through this kind of ordeal for few weeks in a row. 5 hours was like hell to me.

I wouldn’t do it again!

If you guys have the time, please call Shukor at 013 788 0075 middle of the night and tell him we’re still at the jetty waiting for him or drifting in the sea waiting for help. wahahahhaha.

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