TMPC – Marriage Preparation Course

As some of you may know, I tied the knot last week.

But some of you may not know that my wife and I went for a marriage preparation course – which was held every Saturday. The course lasted 5 sessions.

I’ve heard of marriage preparation course but I always thought its some sort of religious thing. When AL (my wife) proposed the course to me, I told her if someone starts preaching about God to us, we will walk out straight away.

But there was no preaching. We basically need to sit in a room to watch a show by a couple by a British couple, Niki and Sila Lee. The show will touch many aspect of a couple’s relationship. Topics such as conflict resolution, defining roles, handling finances, dealing with parents and in laws, anger management and so on were covered. In each topic, there will be an interval where couples can sit down and discuss things. For example, AL and I discuss on the roles we should play when we move into our house. I have agreed to pay most of the bills whereas AL will do most of the housework.

This course also gave us the opportunity to discuss on things we would never discuss on. For example, we discussed on the things we love or dislike – which we have never sat down to discuss – we have always been assuming.

The discussions are done privately. There is no need to discuss anything in the open or with anyone else.

The principles taught by this course are fairly simple. A course like this is like an investment to his/her marriage. A good marriage leads to a good life. If one is having a terrible marriage, his daily life would be terrible too. Of course, marriage is no bed of roses, there will be downs and these principles are great reminder to couples to stay on course.

The teaching of this course has some Biblical references. It was fine with me so long I don’t need to raise my hands and sing Christian songs. There are some parts of the teaching which AL and I don’t agree but they don’t force you to follow it.

This course is conducted by a group of volunteer couples. These kind couples spend their free time guiding young couples to a successful marriage. I find them very selfless.

We were also assigned a “support couple” to guide us. Our support couple, Jit and Karen, kindly invited us to their home to have dinner. We were extremely privileged to have them advising us on how marriage is like.

The other thing that is worth mentioning is the food provided. Food is prepared by a daughter of one of the volunteer couples. Every week there will be different stuff and I must say that they were all fresh and delicious!!

I would highly recommend any couples to go for this course. It is highly beneficial. I am sure a lot of ladies would be interested and the men will groan in despair. I went in on an open mind and came out with an enlightened one. It is well worth it. You can have a million dollar business but nothing compares to a good successful marriage. It is the best investment one would have.


Would you want to spend your life like this or spend a few thousand dollar on divorce lawyers? By the way, If you don’t mind the latter, call me, I can do the divorce for you!

For information about the Marriage Preparation Course, go to the following:-


The course dates for 2012 are as follow:-
Run 12 – 11, 18, 25 Feb, 3, 10, 17 Mar
Run 13 – 9, 16, 23, 30 Jun, 7, 14 Jul
Run 14 – 22, 29 Sept, 6, 13, 20, 27 Oct

Other Reviews:-
BangsarBabe – Part 2, Part 4

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