Many thanks to Leong for the tiny info page :D… after the goddamn exams, I will see if I can find any guidelines of some sort that I can follow by to add in more useless info about myself.
You make me feel like dancing, I wanna dance the night away… It sucks to the core to be sitting in my room all day, doing my assignment (slowly but surely!) and going through past years papers (and wondering how the hell I am gonna pass this one) when all I wanna do is dance dance dance! Like Irene, I am also looking for a latin dance partner when I go back to KL for good in July… anybody willing and interested? 😉
Can’t wait for the Watson 16 roadtrip to Lake District and some other towns which we haven’t decided on yet… the last roadtrip in February was great and sooooo very memorable – we went to Birmingham for food, Bath for the night and the Isle of Wight where we experienced UK’s cold-ass beaches, saw the loveliest cliffs and also where Chuo Ming had his first taste of lobster (eventhough they were PUNY!!). I uploaded these 2 pics for fun…

Siew Lee and I at some cliffs on the Isle of Wight. The cliffs were simply beautiful but this picture doesn’t do the cliffs much justice!

Not the clearest of pics, but here are the 9 of us (Hun Chong, Alex, Frank, Shane, Fred, Mike, Siew Lee, Chuo Ming and I) at a seafood pub/restaurant at the Isle – where Frank did the seemingly impossible by finishing everything on the biggest platter of seafood I have ever seen. You GO, Frank! 😀
Also can’t wait to go for the week-long trip to Europe – Greek Islands? Spanish Islands? IBIZA?? 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 Its gonna be fine fine fine…. Taking some time off to go to some beaches where seafood, drinks, beautiful people and clubs are aplenty has gotta be good shit, yessss? 😉 I feel as if I haven’t gone to enough places around Europe before I head back home to Malaysia. So many places! So little time!!!
“Young man’s slave, older man’s sweetheart” – how true is that statement anyway? Basically that sentence has been drilled into my head since the beginning of the dee-dee by my mum and to suddenly hear her say that she doesn’t mind that I go out with guys my age or just a mere 1-2 years older anymore – I really wonder if the accident affected my hearing senses. To those who know me long enough, would know that my mum’s only (yeah rite!) prerequisite for the guys I date, is to be at least 5 years older or more. Yeah, I know I should be rejoicing and all but heh, am still in shock. Give me a mo..
~Snooty Bubblepants… just found out that you visit this site too 😉 Dj Jason in da hooouuse…! BE GOOD!
– 10.35PM