BLOG BLOG BLOOOGGGG!!!!!!!!!!! I bet everyone of Leong’s guest bloggers have gotten that msg from him on ICQ or MSN or SMS at one point or other. đ *waves at Leong* đ
Anyway, life hasn’t been all exciting for me hence the hiatus. But there is this one stalker episode which I really wanna voice out and hopefully he reads it. HAH! Crash and burn!!!
Stalker may have been too harsh a word for him. But he was just plain scary. I hate it when we have to build up rapports and networks when we start working. So many people tend to mistaken these superficial and pretentious ‘friendships’ to mean something more. But only so few seem to get it that non-replies really means fuck off. Ok sure when he started a conversation, I have got to layan the first few replies but after that, when he started to get all creepy with his poems and affectionate name calling .. hell, buzz off, I never want or ever wanted any of these.
I cannot make it more obvious that I wasn?t remotely interested by not replying his msgs or even picking up his phone calls. At one time, I got like 30 missed calls in less than 15 minutes. And then he got all violent by sending me chains of intimidating and hostile msgs. You have got some nerve, you dick. And after that little episode you dare to pretend as if nothing happened and continued with all the affectionate name calling in msgs once again. Everytime I receive them, I feel like vomiting. I wonder how can someone be so thick to just expect a girl to like them just because you spoke to them before. Fuck off, you sad man. He even went as far as to claim to know he knew me psychologically. PSYCHO. (you guys should have read the email he sent, it was stupid/scary in a hilarious way, reading about how much he knows about a person just after one chance meeting) I am not yours to call princess ? heck or anything at all for that matter! ? and I wish you freaking leave me alone. Stop sending me msgs. Stop trying to call me. Stop emailing me. Just stop harassing me, damnit. I can?t get more obvious than this.
Ok. Finally got it out of my system. The fella was really bothering me and bringing it up with Chen didn?t help since all he wants to do is smash his face in.. *thank you dear, but no thanks, k? You can relax your knuckle sandwich now.. yes yes dear.. you can put down the bat too?
On a lighter (I think….) note, have any of you guys seen Happy Tree Friends?? When the video started, I was like “awwwww….” (then it was downhill from there) “aww- ARGH OMG!! ARGHHH!!! OH SHIIEETT! THAT POOR- OMG OMG OMG RUN U POOR TH- ARGH! ARGH SHIET!!! YEEE!! ARGHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
*fans myself slowly……. takes a slow deep breath…….
And so yeah, here’s the link for those who have no idea what I am going on about – Happy Tree Friends!