Sometimes, there are friends who’d love to play the role of a matchmaker, just to see that their single friends are happy. Some friends and I have often been ‘victims’ to such schemes, and not always do they result positively.
For example, if you arrange an outing for both ‘candidates’ to meet, would you tell them beforehand so that both are aware of what to expect, or you won’t tell them the objective of the outing at all, until you see both of them getting along fine and dandy?
Several times, I’ve had friends who tell me beforehand: “Hey, let’s meet up this weekend. I want to introduce you to a friend. He’s single!!!”
If you were me, you’d make sure you put your best foot forward so that you’d make a good first impression, and of course, be yourself. It doesn’t mean you’d dress up sloppily, of course. The sense of humour intact, the cheeky grin and laughing eyes – have to be in place.
If you were the guy, what would you do? Make sure you’re not sloppily dressed as well, and you’re not late. Oh, and do pick up the tab for the meal – if you know the purpose of the outing. Don’t worry, it’s to your discretion. If it’s too expensive, then you’re entitled to go dutch. ;D
Sometimes telling both ‘candidates’ beforehand makes it all awkward, because not everyone’s acting skills are fantastic. Conversation is lop-sided, either one of the ‘candidates’ will speak to the mutual friend, not knowing how to speak to the other person.
For me, I’d expect both parties to make an effort to ensure that the other person is part of the conversation and not left out. But I tend to hesitate, when I realise that the guy is not speaking to me, but waits for the mutual friend to have a general topic of conversation so both parties could contribute.
I end up not talking to him, for fear of what he’d think of me: Shit. Does he think I’m a desperado for talking to him? What if he thinks I’m hitting on him so badly that I do look like a desperado with broccoli between my teeth? F*ck.
So I’d end up chatting to the mutual friend instead.
Complicated, isn’t it?
I’ve been matchmade so many times and so many times I have to say I’m rather disappointed with the matchmaker and the candidate – both for having weak acting skills! An awkward situation is very difficult, I tell you, unless there’s alcohol involved.
Question: would you inform both parties beforehand, or after the outing? ;D