In countries like Japan and USA, they honour their cartoonist by featuring the cartoonist’s characters in the stamps. For example..
DC Comics Super Heroes Stamps 2006
Malaysia has taken a step forward by featuring Malaysia’s most famous cartoonist, Lat, in their latest stamp. I must say I am a big fan of Lat and I am quite excited to see his stuff on the newest issue.
More info @ Pos Malaysia
Month: November 2008
Freedom Elite @ Bukit Kiara – 22.11.2008
After doing 1600 rope skips, 120 kettle bell lifts and running 1600m at Pushmore and 2 hours of futsal, I wanted to give this event a skip. The last rave I went was in March and I’ve already retired from the scene. But the all-night free flow was just too much for me to resist.
The event was a by invitation only event. There were two venues namely the outdoor and indoor venue. The indoor venue was where the DJs were spinning. The indoor venue was huge and thus comfortably spacious. The bars were serving unlimited number of beers, raspberry vodka and even mineral water!

Cris @ the entrance (Nice shirt)
Cris, ivN, Elaine, May and I immediately headed to the bar to grab some drinks. Cris, ivN and I immediately grabbed two cans of beers – and that was just the beginning. Throughout the night, we had many people giving us beer and raspberry vodka. They should have parties like this many years ago!!
I was almost falling asleep when we arrived at Bukit Kiara. But once I stepped into the indoor venue, I felt like I was back in Melbourne. LCK’s music rocks!!!!

They had some guys on stilts walking around the venue. One of them tripped and fell flat on the floor. Poor chap.
Inevitably, after couple of cans of beer, the toilet was our second hangout place. The toilets were pretty unique this time round. Instead of individual portable toilets, we were given urinals instead. It was so pack until each urinals had at least one guy lining up behind the user. One chap couldn’t take it anymore decided to do his business at the basin. Bahger!!

Initially I thought we would head home by 1am. But the rave was so good until we stayed on until it stopped at around 2:45am. By that time, loads of people were quite drunk. Some were seen sleeping on the floor and grass. One guy came to our spot, sat down and started vomiting.
There will be another free flow event this Saturday at Mines. It’s by invitation only. I won’t be there though. Amos dont call me!
So You Think You Can…Shuffle???
I am quite surprised that I haven’t seen the Melbourne Shuffle in any of the So You Think You Can Dance shows. I wonder what will the Judges say when they see people doing the shuffle on stage. They’ll probably say “Stop dancing like a monkey!”.
Now, some chaps in Australia has came up with something ‘brilliant’. They have organised an online shuffle video competition called, “So You Think You Can Shuffle”. O_o. Winner gets two return flight to a Shuffle meet in Asia with 3 nights accommodation. I wonder where in Asia..I have a feeling its Malaysia.
More information and details go to
Yet another WTF moment.
Forum on Identity Theft in the cyber world
As part of the KL Bar Information Technology Committee’s role, the Forum on Identity Theft in the cyber world was organised. I was appointed as a moderator for this forum and it was attended by around 30 – 40 people ranging from lectures to lawyers.
The three speakers, Deepak Pillai (a leading lawyer), Prof. Abu Bakar Munir (Professor in Law from University of Malaya) and Shamsul Jafni Salleh (former Director of Security, Trust and Governance Department of Malaysian Communication And Multimedia Commission (MCMC)) were very informative and resourceful. The speakers shared their knowledge on identity theft and the ways to prevent it. Particular importance was placed on phishing, a process of fraudulently acquiring sensitive information of a person e.g. bank account number.
This can be done by, for example, sending an email under the pretence of a bank officer to require an account holder to reveal their username and password. The way to avoid this is to simply ignore the email. Banks never send emails to their customers ask them to reveal their information.
Another useful information was shared by Encik Shamsul Jafni Salleh. He said that MCMC acts on complaints made by the public against websites. They can request owners of the website e.g. to shut down such website or even request internet service providers to block such website.
In the end of the presentation, Professor Abu Bakar Munir shared a short clip of a news report about a real life US phisher. The US phisher was a young man who thought his actions will only be punishable with probation. He ended up serving more than 10 years in jail.
Thereafter, the floor was opened to the participants to share their opinion and to ask questions. One of the most interesting facts shared by one of the members is that someone has been charged under the Malaysian Computer Crimes Act 1997 in Ipoh. So far, there is no report in any of the local law reports highlighting such cases. This may be because proceedings under the Malaysian Computer Crimes Act 1997 are tried in lower Courts (local law reports usually do not put up written judgments in the lower courts).
The KL Bar Information Technology Committee will be organising another forum. Watch this space!
Climbing Accident – Part III
Due to an exhausting Saturday i.e. from Pushmore, Futsal and drinking, I had a hard time climbing on Sunday. While lead climbing a 6C route..
Me: I can do it!!
Belayer: YES U CAN!!
Me: aaaa rrr ggg hhhhh !!!!!! tuuuuunnaaasssiiinnggggg
I fell from the second bolt ended up scraping my arm on the rope.
Thereafter, I had some lovely white liquid oozing out from my wound. The pain started trickling in. This type of injury is quite common among climbers. We call it ‘rope burn’.
I read from somewhere that to treat minor rope burn injuries, the injured part should be placed under slowly running water and then covered with a clean, sterile, non-fluffy dressing.
But what I did was leaving it alone for few days. 2 weeks later, the wound was fully dried up and healed!
This entry serves as my third entry on climbing injury 😀 See
Hot FM Hot Shuffle
I thought my eyes were playing with my mind when I saw some chaps in a KFC television commercial shuffling after eating something called Hot Rod. The dance resembles the Melbourne Shuffle and after catching the commercial second time, I can’t believe it. Kentucky Fried Chicken is endorsing the Melbourne Shuffle!!!
Check out their latest advertisement!!
But the chap in office attire is actually Frankson, one of my old raving kakis! Looks like his acting career which started from a U-Mobile commercial has move up a notch!!
And this is not the only thing that amazes me…there’s even a competition which awards the winner a trip to Melbourne, Australiaaa!! ZomGGG
To enter:
– Starting from 10 November, chase some stupid Hot FM Viva Zoomerz at their location
– Show them your lousy skills
– Strut your stuff and they will record you
– From 8 – 12 December, a panel of judges and listeners will determine the luck of the winner through a vote
– Best shuffler gets to qualify to the semi finals. 20 finalists will qualify for the finals
– Overall winner will win a trip to Melbourne worth RM8,000.
Related Links
Hot FM Promo Page – Videos taken by the Hot FM Viva Zoomerz
Forum on Identity Theft in the Cyber World – Are You Really Who You Are In the Internet?
Couple of weeks ago, someone from a marketing company called me…
Girl: xes.. I am calling from xx marketing sdn bhd. I would like to conduct a survey.
Me: Sure
Girl: Before we proceed, can I call you to verify your details?
Me: Ok.
Girl: Your name is xes, staying in House Number xxx.. .
Me: err. Yes.
Girl: Can you verify that your identity card number is 8xxxxxxx…?
Me: How did you get the number?
Girl: I don’t know. Maybe you gave it to some clubs when you were clubbing.
Me: Ok, I’m not going to verify anything. I’m not comfortable in providing you my personal information.
Girl: eer…okkk…
It’s better to be safe than sorry. The amount of fraud that is happening is worrying. It’s so easy to get personal information of a person nowadays. But is your personal information protect by the Malaysian law? The Personal Data Protection Bill that was proposed in early 2000 has disappeared into thin air. The “new” Personal Data Protection Act is still not being tabled in the parliament. So in the meantime, if someone misuses your personal information online for their personal gain, do you have a remedy? What can do you do?
Perhaps all these can be answered at the Forum on Identity Theft in the Cyber World. KL Bar Information Technology Committee is organising a Forum on Identity Theft
Date: 20.11.2008
Time: 3.00pm
Venue: Bar Council Auditorium
1st Floor, No 13 – 17, Leboh Pasar Besar, Kuala Lumpur.
1. Deepak Pillai – Advocate & Solicitor
2. Prof. Abu Bakar Munir – Professor in Law from University of Malaya
3. Shamsul Jafni Salleh – former Director of Security, Trust and Governance Department of Malaysian Communication And Multimedia Commission (MCMC)
Admission: FREE
Here are some relevant websites listed down by Richard Wee:
In April 2008, the New Straits Times focus on this issue of Identity Theft in Cyber Space.
IN UK, there is even a dedicated website for this
IN US there are laws specifically dealing with this.
A case on point is the case of Edward Anderton an American Ivy League graduate who was sentenced to a 4 year jail term for stealing identities and living a lavish live at other people’s expense, of course. See link:-,2933,451944,00.html
The Information Technology Law Committee of KL Bar views this problem to be a serious one. The upcoming Forum this Thursday is a platform to discuss this issue. The Forum will host 3 great speakers, and we hope as many people as possible will attend. Entrance is Free.
For registration information, please contact Masni at the KL Bar Secretariat at 03- 26933585 or
I will be there!
House of Fish Ball @ Uptown Damansara
House of Fish Ball is a Chinese restaurant which serves, among otheres, Teo Chew fishballs and fish cakes. This place is fondly known as the “No Piggy Place” because it claims that it doesn’t serve pork.
I was told that there are a number of branches for this restaurant. My usual branch would be the one at Uptown Damansara.
My favourite meal is not only their homemade noodles but also their lime juice. It comes in a clear glass with a piece of pickled lime sour plum on the bottom. Once mixed, the drink becomes brownish!
It’s so good that you can actually but a container of it.
Once you’re done with your meal, they have numerous desserts for you to choose.
The other thing that really interests me is thing particular gadget which can trap flies. It has two rotating cylinder which some how attract flies. The flies are thereafter trapped in a clear casing. I wonder how it works.
[Edit: Video of the creator of the gadget. Thanks Henry for the link]
Snap, Blog, and Win Contest!
A friend/client’s boutique is having an unique contest – which is open to bloggers. All you need to do is head to the shop i.e. i.candy @ Sunway Pyramid, wear something from there and thereafter take a picture while facing one of the mirrors there. But I must warn that i.candy only sells female clothing.
I was just there early this month. I should have grabbed something to wear to join this contest 😛
See for contest details!
PS: Check for vote for the top CNN Hero.
Unique Advertisements in Malaysia – Part V
I spotted this while on Old Klang Road. This is the first time I see such medium on the streets. Quite ingenious – they had 3 cars traveling together and each pulls a small wagon with a banner behind. It would be great if I could give some sort of signal to them asking them to stop so that I could buy couple of boxes of Snickers from them. But I guess there would be some security issue and probably some local licensing issue i.e. license to sell confectionery from a vehicle.
If these cars would stop for people to buy Snickers, I wouldn’t be surprised if one of these cars got car jacked.
Related Links:
Unique Advertisements in Malaysia -Part I
Malaysian Advertisement 2
Unique Advertisements in Malaysia – Part III
Unique Advertisements in Malaysia – Part IV