A special “H E L L O” to all readers of www.xes.cx
Hope you regulars of this site have not forgotten me!!!
Anyway, just a short intro. of meself.
I’m the most outstanding ‘inactive’ guestblogger, galFeRari.
I’m currently stuck in Newcastle upon Tyne, a city that boasts of having the most happening nightlife in England and ranks no. 3 in Europe!
I’m not employed at the moment. Please hire me!
That said, my ambition is to become a rich taitai.
teehehee <-- this is my trademark 'haha' btw!!
I wonder if the following holds true for all u WORKING PEOPLE out there!
how dreadful if this is true…
What about this??
They say, women who makes an effort in wearing make-up climbs up the corporate ladder faster..
What about men?
Have a good week ppl!
Til you hear from me, again, turra!
finally Ms Ferrari is blOggin!!!
we have the same ambition here!! *claps*
RICh Tai tai!!!!
oh well.hire me la..i need a job!!~
Yes, after all the hard years in school, the least we can achieve is to become a RICH taitai!!
Gambate peggy!!
haahahahahahah that is so true… I’m a happy employee on Friday..hmmm as long as there is no “urgent” work on Friday afternoon as oftenly happened!
i also want! ;P btw, will send you yr (belated) v’s day card soon. sorry!
yvonne: teehehee…ok! Late better than neva’!
so true! altho usually i look forward to Saturday cos its my SLEEP-IN dayyyy…
whyrl: ooh~~ so luckie!!