I am alive

Hello people,

I see that there are two posts asking for my whereabout. Well, i am still around IN TOWN. I did not “eloped with some woman, and gone far away from KL/PJ” although i have thought about it. That “some woman”‘ ‘s parents will not be too please about it and i might appear in Michael Chong’s most WANTED man list if i did.
I thought of a sabbatical for a sex change operation but i might lose my job if i did that because my boss might not be able to recognise me. My clients wouldl drop dead (hmmm..not a bad idea if they did drop dead) and the judges would stone me to death.

I could have been kidnapped by pirates…er… like pirated dvds/cds sellers…eeer because i stopped patronising them? Too bad, so sad. VCD and DVD quality nowadays are so bad and the porns are not as nice as the one that i downloaded from the net (oooops….)
I could have been kidnapped by bimbobum and tied to her bed post. HAHAHA!!!! sorry…that was just a normal laughter. Not meant to sarcastic.

I am definately not kidnapped by xes and preserved like flattened preserved dogs. That is impossible because he loved me so much, he started seeing 10 of me in a photos that he took.

Some said that i’ve been thrown in jail for contempt of court. Now, how does a lay person (people who are not well learnt in law such as bimbobum) know that one can get that kind of punishment.
“bimbobum. aren’t you involve in ? You dated lawyer before isn’t it?”

I might have won the lottery and has gone off on a 1 month cruise, busy sipping tequila sunrise(s)… wait, one month cruise? Nah, i think i will just buy some land in Indonesia and become a farmer there. OR i could have gone to Somalia!!! I would buy 1000 bulls and cows and make myself the new Chief there!!! Wow…i heard the women there, there skin shine like black pearl..ooooh..oooh, their teeth like that guy on the Darlie packaging…*drools*

Shogun, One Utama

Once upon a time, the xes.cx crew and friends went to Shogun Japanese Buffet.

There are a lot of food there..SO MANY!!!! I wished that i took a photos of all the food but i was too busy eating.

some of my food
This is what vegetarian eat in Jap Buffet

Doesn’t look yuck to me at all…
Dessert looks good though….

Everything went well until….

Continue reading Shogun, One Utama

So we are going to the moon

For a nation that cannot build proper highway, we dream of flying to the moon. In the spirit of Malaysia Boleh, we have already brainstormed on the how the Malaysia Rocket should be like ….

Wow, the Rocket look like it can glow in the DARK!!!
P.S.Let’s just hope that the Rocket is not build by our ever so proud Proton and monitored by our ever so respectable Work Minister.

So We Speak Mangrish…

Malaysian are known for their good English. A gift left behind by our all colonial master. In fact, we are so good that we created our own English known as Mangrish which we use it in our daily life for instance on sign board like this

Huh? what? You don’t understand what that signboard say? Aiya, because you English, i mean your Mangrish Sucks la.
P.S. GONG XI FA CHAI from me.

Fank or Frank

I had the shock of my life when i saw my name on the company’s newly printed letter head.
It say : Fank Wong G.J.
FANK!!! Who is FANK!!!
The other lawyers kept calling me FANK from then on. STUPID PRINTING COMPANY.
Even my boss ask me, how come i don’t know how to write my name properly. I swear it was not me who made the mistake. I had never mispell my name from the first day i knew how to write it in English and Chinese.
Bloody hell…!!! How am i suppose to tell the other fellow lawyers.
“Hello, Frank? How come i cannot find your name on your letterhead”
“oooh..hahahha, Frank is not good for feng shui so i change my name to Fank. My feng sui sifu says it will bring me luck for the dog years”
“oooh ya, i forgot to tell you. I am known as Farouk too. Just wanna let you know la, it is good for Muslim Feng Sui (if there is such thing).”

Sweet but not Candy

Before i start my story, for our readers to don’t understand Melay, “gula” is Sugar and “gula-gula” is Candy. Ok, i can tell you my story now.
One fine day, a Malay clerk came to me
Clerk: Frank, you ada gula kah? (Frank do you have sugar?”)
I thought she meant Candy so i pull out my drawer and said
me: ada (yes)
and i showed the candy to her.
me: Ini boleh? (Will this do?)
Clerk: Ok. Thank You.
She unwrap the wrapper and put it in her tea cup.
me: Apa you buat!!! (what are you doing!!!)
She looked at me for more than 5 secs and i looked at her with my mouth wide open.
Clerk: Ini bukan gula batu kah? (Is this not sugar cube)
me: INI GULA UNTUK MAKAN LA, bukan untk buat minuman (This is candy [like i said just now, i thought she was asking for candy), not for making tea)

Clerk: u gilakah. I minta gula,you bagi gula-gula (Are u nuts, i asked for sugarbut u give me candy)
me: =P salah faham la. (misunderstanding la).

This could be the end…

A very very long time ago, someone ask me…how can i manage to work and write some silly stuffs on the blog? I think i know the answer to it now. I was not working hard enough.

Now, there are too muchwork to be done. Even though, some silly thought might come to me half way through my work, by the end of the day, i just couldn’t be arsed to be sitting in front of the computer and type it out anymore. Hence, i am sad to say that i probably will not be blogging that often anymore. At least not until, i get my digital camera back from the Service Centre. By then, hopefull i can be doing photoblog again.

However, that does not mean you will not see me again on www.xes.cx. It’s not the end yet. =) I will still blog whenever i can.