I was listening to Avril Lavigne Accoustic. I don’t know whether or not there is such an album by Avril. Probably it’s a bootleg. Anyway, It’s recorded in front of a live audience. I noticed from the album that only girls scream in the concerts. Then from the other Live recording album that i had, it’s the same. I can only hear girls screaming!!!
WHERE ARE ALL THE GUYS!!! Guys don’t scream in concert? Nonsense, i remembered that i screamed and shouted in concerts.
Hmmm..is it because we are not as fanatic as the girls (that’s why we don’t shout or scream very loud in concert)? or is it because girls can naturally born screamer?
Author: Frank_omatic
Love and Hate – a dedication to the beloved ghosts.
I had terrible start of the year at work (as mentioned in my last post). Nothing seems to go my way. Lotsa Stress, lotsa lecturing (i don’t mind that because i learn a lot from their), lotsa moment that i think that i am going to die (of cos not i don’t mean it literally) and lotsa people wanna kill and/or skin me alive . All the past ghosts are staringt to haunt me now. Every now and then some hiccups pop up, then a very bad thought come to my mind “I am dead. I am gonna be sacked!!!”
To aggravate things, My boss’s kind words doesn’t help to cheer me up though (of cos it is more like a warning to me). He said “Frank, even though you know that you fuck up the thing. Whether or not you will get fuck later on it, you still fucking have to do the job” (Yes, he did use all the “fuck” words in his sentence when he told me that”) Especially when he had that “sien” (eer…hokkien slang,a chinese dialect meaning “bored” but here, it can be taken to mean “disappointed or fed up”. Please don’t ask me why or even bother to correct me because I DON’T CARE) look or piss off face, i knew it is time to run for my life and hide in the toilet (although i STILL have to do find a way to rectify the problem and face the music). Of cause, it is normal for him to feel this way because after all he is the one who is gonna get the bigger stick from the client or anyone else.
Suddenly, i realise that the job that i love has become the job that i dread. So much so that i am always looking forward to weekend. During the weekend, i can go back to the office and do the work at my own pace. The phone will not ring and i can blast my RM15 cheap but humble speakers.
Nevertheless, there is always someone that i can run to after work to hang out with and to enjoy each other company. I am glad that i am blessed by her companionship and love. But most of all, i do hope that my past ghosts will go easy on me because BLOODY HELL i am only 11 days into my practice. I DON’T WANT TO HATE MY JOB!!!
So U wanna be Happening
This is probably the most HAPPENING foot reflexology in town
NOTE: Zouk is one of the most happening club in Malaysia and Singapore. Read Entries from our Night Life Archives to find out more about night life in Malaysia and probably Singapore.
Daylight robbery
After reading xes’s post, i just remembered an robbery incident that happened to my client’s office just next to my office block.
On 20-12-2005, about 5:30pm, two nicely dressed (with tie and everything) young men pressed on the door bell of the client’s office. The receptionist without asking them for identification and objective of entering the office, opened the door. After they entered the office, the gentlemen pulled out their parangs and robbed all the people in my client’s office. Luckily no one was hurt.
To those we are working as receptionist, be careful when you open your office door. Don’t assume that people who dressed nice and not crooks.
The damn Wall speaks
I worked late today…well, if you consider working till 8 or 9pm late la.
While i was resting, i looked at the wall where my colleague’s desk was. She sticked 3 motivational/advisory (whatever you call them) posters on it and one of it which say :-
Wow…that bloody poster is TALKING to me!!! WOW!!! AMAZING!!! or is it that the WALL is TALKING to me!!!
As for the other two, they looked like some deep riddle to me. Maybe it was not time for the Wall to reveal their meaning to me yet, hmmm…*rub chin* how come ar?….hmmm….*rub face*cannot be….hmmm…*yawn*…zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Sleep better la, no need to think so much. =P
Women and Cars
This post is not meant to offence women. It is merely an urban legend aka stories that i heard from people around me.
A lot of man say that woman cannot drive properly or woman don’t know how to look after their car. Here are two stories that i heard about woman who don’t know how to look after their car
Story 1
Ms. A is a uni graduate. She bought a car. Two year later, her car had to be sold for scrap metal. Why? It’s not because she got into some accident. The reason behind it was that for those two years that she had been using the car, she had never serviced it. When she was being asked about it. She said “I wash my car everyday. Isn’t that servicing my car?”
Story 2
Ms. B, college student’s new car broke down one day. She insisted that her mechanic didn’t have to check her car battery because she refilled it once per week. When the mechanice came to his wit end to find out what was wrong with the car, he took out the car battery for a look. The car battery had battery water in it but how come it was not working? When Ms. B was being questioned about what water she filled her battery with, she said “Normal water la”.
Malaysia Boleh and its Light Railway Transit System Part 1
About two years ago, i went to KLCC with Mr. HC using LRT. The LRT was packed with people. We were standing. Then one of the person left and there was an empty seat.
Mr. HC: “Go sit down la, Frank.”
I looked at the chair, it was painted in grey. Grey Chairs are reserved for the needy people such as pregnant woman, old folks, handicapped and women with young children. It had a picture sign depicting all those people. Totally dumb prove, i must say. Before, i could say anything. A man around my age took the seat.
Mr HC: ” Aiya, other people take your seat already.”
I glanced at the man for a second. Then i turned to Mr. HC and said alound,
“Bro, those chairs are meant for the needy.”
I pointed to the signs.
“They are reserved for the old folks, pregnant woman, handicapped and woman with young children.”
Upon hearing what i said, the man sprang out from the chair.
Mermaids are mammals
NOTE: This Post is X rated. If you find it too offensive, don’t bloody read it or else www.xes.cx will not be responsible for it and we don’t encourage whatever it is said in the post. If you report us to malay mail or metro, please let us know so that we can give you a nicer photo of us. Thank You.
I was having a drink in a mamak (a local indian coffee shop) with RL just now.
RL: Bro, do an aquarium in your house la. I will design for you.
[RL is a designer. He specialise in designing aquarium.]
me: I don’t want la. Fishes are boring. They don’t manja manja you like the dogs and cats.
RL: ooooh…what about putting a mermaid inside there? What will you do if you have a mermaid at home
me: eeer…i will ask her to blow me underwater.
[Most guys talk are prevertive so don’t mind me. I am a guy too.]
RL: Don’t you wanna fuck her?
me: How wei? Later she laid eggs, how?
RL: Mermaids are mammal wei.
me: They are?
RL: Ya!!! They have breast!!!
me: ooooh….just like whale la.
*RL gave me a witty look*
RL: Ya man. Just imagine that wei. You don’t have the hassle of spreading her legs. You just hold her like you are hugging the wall and hump her.
*I turned behind, pretend to look for the waiter to order another drink and rolled my eyes*
After that, i thought of his wacky idea for awhile and ponder upon the point of what am i suppose to tell my woman in my house if the mermaid die because i hump her too hard?
“I am sorry. I fuck the fish too hard last night”
P.S. About the malay mail and metro on the note above, i am kidding. Please do not report us to the Newspaper. We will censor it to PG rated if you want.
Random Babbling File no. 7122005
One day, my friend asked me What is the Female version of Dick, Tom and Harry? *Scratch head* Is it Marry, Jane and Susan? Because it kinda rythme and it is quite easy to say.
What about the Malaysia version of Dick, Tom and Harry? “Rub Chin* I think it should be Ali, Ah Kao and Muthu because those are the 3 most common name seen the Malaysia School Textbook.
What about the Malaysia Female Version of Dick, Tom and Harry? zzzzzzzzzzzzzz…i have no idea.
So you wanna be a pilot…
I wonder what happen to those people whose dream was to become a pilot but their application was rejected due to various reasons and after a few years, who still cling on to their dream…until one day i disover this
OMG, they become LOSERS!!!
OMFG!!! Top Gun Pose *shake head*
Somemore wanna pretend that their “Plane” can fly. So lame!!! I feel shame for their family.
NOTE: These photos are obtained from an unidentified Source on WWW. The copyright of the photo belongs to its original author.