bad vibes flying arounddd..

I still remember this day. My friends and I were invited to our class teacher, Cikgu Robayah’s house for lunch. She lives at a wooden house nearby our school so the entire group ventured on our own to her place.

I remember that Wilson killed a chicken while we were there. It happened when we were waiting outside for Cikgu Robayah to open the door, there was this little chicken running around. So I threw a piece of chocolate to it but it ran away. Unfortunately, while it was running, Wilson accidentally stepped on it. It died on the spot.

8 thoughts on “bad vibes flying arounddd..”

  1. ehhe.. i have a bunch of pics from back then too.. maybe i should post some! 🙂 what happened to tan kar wai.. is that his name? the guy in the front left?

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