Selamat Hari Raya to all my Muslim visitors!
I’m going to Leeds tomorrow with Frederick to do some shopping.
A group of local students will be taking over 16 Watson Rd next year. Robert Neal (our agent) came over to 16 Watson Rd with them to look at the house. I showed them my room and gave them some proper comments on the house. They were pretty happy with the house and signed the tenancy contract immediately. After signing the contract, I asked them whether will they be staying in the house next summer, that is when our contract ends. They answered no. I then asked whether could we stay in the house after our contract ended because we still have to stay for the convocation for our graduation. I expected a Yes answer probably because the previous tenant who stayed in 16 Watson Rd asked us the same question and we answered yes but this time they answered, no. fucking bitches. They said that they have to discuss with the other housemates and therefore they can’t give us a definite answer. Sounds like a valid reason but I personally think it’s probably they don’t trust us with their stuff when they leave it here during summer. Robert neal on the other hand, offered us a place to stay when we move out from our 16 Watson Rd. That sounds great but he’s not the person who keeps to his words. It has been many occasions he never keeps his promises and now we couldn’t trust his words anymore.
Frederick made me a link buttons. cheers mate!
It’s marvelooussss mmmm

link me!
– 11:45PM