
Last night, Eishin, Hen and I went to Bangsar to meet up with Zach, one of Hen’s friends from Gold Coast. Apparently he’s a grandson of a huge royal icon. We had 3 jugs of beer at Absolute Chemistry. I was still sober after 3 mugs of beer. But as soon as Zach’s friend came over, we ordered a bottle of Absolute vodka with 3 mixers, coke, orange juice and ribena. Zach and his friend were from Kolej Tunku Abdul Jaafar (KTJ). It seems that they knew all the people I know from KTJ. What surprises me is that, they know Chuo Ming, my housemate in Sheffield. They agreed that Chuo Ming loves bossing people around and they too couldn’t stand him. They would turn his room upside down every time he pisses them off.
We finished the whole bottle. No doubt I was fucked. We wanted to head to Nouvo to club and even got into the car. However, Hen was too fucked to drive. We lost our way and ended up in Bangsar again.
And by the time we reach Bangsar, we had to stop by the roadside for a while for me to puke. And by then, Hen decided to send me home. I slumped dead on my bed as soon as I reach home, without brushing my teeth or even take my contact lens off.