bimbobum is the latest entry to the guest bloggers list. As you can see, 80% of the guest bloggers are not active. Even Frank, who has been elevated to partner from guestblogger, has been inactive too.
Fortunately, bimbobum has been actively updating this website otherwise this website would be left despaired.
I have been getting many enquiries from people about bimbobum’s identity. Her ex boyfriend stories made people wonder how she looks like and so on. However, she prefers to remain anonymous as such her identity is a secret here.
Due to the secrecy, she cannot appear in public as bimbobum. I’ve suggested that she wears a paper bag in the event that we are going to have a gathering.
Since she has been actively involved in this website, I have made her a profile page. Her picture and email are included in it.. Visit !
Please email her your fan mails and hate mails!
xes, that is a guy’s bodyshape behind the paperbag…. must be yours.
aiks. xes is not a bimbo! aHahAHhaAHHAhaHAha.
wait, if dat’s xes… what’s he … err …. doing? putting lipstick?
thats not me!
i’m also wondering what he was doing there….
it has 2 b xes or frank. whoever he is, he is definitely brokeback! he who denies most is e greatest suspect! haha!
ooohh… it’s xes and his pink t-shirt that shrunk rite? heheheh and eating ice-cream
looks like blowing someone eh…
diehardx: bare assertion carries no weight!
lol at the profile
DieHardX: forever only you want to see fanky topless in brokeback action, is it? heheheh.
ben: i’m too embarrassed to admit that’s me. ;P
creative!! LoL
OMG how come the pic got a xxxx on the mouth??? biimbo!!!
welcome and thanks for always posting yaaa bimbobum
I’m surprised that bimbobum haven’t chased u around with a chainsaw yet, xes. Either she’s too nice or abit slow….. XD
wolfx: she knows about it. in fact she’s the one who asked me to put those details of hers!
I’m dumfounded.
swt………………. wats tat XXXX in the mouth and y was the XXXX with the chest….i tot it wasnt naked…… omg omg
WAT WAT???? put details, but not the picture la. hehe. not even a Paris Hilton paperbag. hmmph
peggy: thanks!!!! ;P
endroo G: founder of dumb? ;P JK!!!!!!
…why do i get a feeling i know who bimbobum is.
you probably do, just that u dont realize it!! hehe!
zing: really? shhhhhhhhhhhh~ ;P
this is making me nervous, don’t think i can sleep tonite. hehe.
can’t sleep ? then go and watch TV for the rest of the nite.
endroo: world cup hasn’t started, watch tv rest of the nite for wat. ;P
but ya, such an unflattering picture of me, that one on my profile. ;P
(AHAHHAHAHAHAHaHAHAHAHAHAHAHahh… sorry, i’m just laughing at wolfx’s shock.)
note to boob_omatic: the real thing MAY be revealed soon la, not to worry.
i dont know about the profile. but heck, im enthusiatic about the “supposed gathering”
“supposed gathering”? hehehe…