Day 3, Night Time @ Seoul

We had dinner at Dongdaemun. Initially we didn’t know where to eat but after passing a Korean restaurant with Japanese words, we decided to eat there.

Dongdaemun is a must when visiting Seoul. It consists of endless roads of shops and markets. For sports wear, head to the Dongdaemun station. Be prepared to bargain.

Souvenirs are abundant there as well. I bought couple of Gundam keychains 😀

After a long walk, we rested at a café. The café had a funny looking cake. It looked like spaghetti cake.

Another thing to take note in Seoul is the shopping centres. Sometimes they would hold a performance or ask some of their customers to perform on stage. The one we saw was a dancing competition. It was really amusing as a weird looking schoolgirl did a sexy dance on stage. Unfortunately, she didn’t win the competition.

She danced too much till the hostess had to pull her away. Then during the finals (she was eliminated in the semi finals), she gatecrashed the stage and danced. She got kicked out of course.

8 thoughts on “Day 3, Night Time @ Seoul”

  1. Hee… the spaghetti cake… i think it is called Mont Blanc in Japan. Seasonal dessert in Autumn using chestnut cream. But, not as spaghetti as the one shown here. Hmm.. Korean version?

  2. wolfx: actually i want to try, i tot that they’ll sell it @ markets..butthen I didnt see any!
    fishfish: those spaghetti looking thingie are cream..kekeke
    hazel: yum yum, they are delicious!!

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