Greetings from Tonsai, Krabi!

After 7 hours of bus ride, 2 hours of waiting at the immigration, 5 hours van ride and 45 minutes of boat ride, I’m now in Tonsai, Krabi!
The journey was no bed of roses. It was a torture.

The long wait at the immigration was due to loads of people jumping queue. My friend got so pissed till he went to screw one of the queue jumpers. However, the queue jumper turned around and ignored my friend. watadafak man.

We got conned at Krabi town as well. Our driver made us buy boat tickets from a middle man, who promised to bring us to Tonsai. However, our boat man was paid for the trip to East Rai-ley and he refused to bring us to Tonsai unless we pay extra.

We didn’t pay though. Our boatman did not bring us to Tonsai as the water was not safe to travel. We had to walk from East Railey to Tonsai.

Tonsai is filled with climbers and caucasian. The beach is beautiful but the water’s so-so.

My hotel is horrible though. We have no luxuries at all, no hot water, no internet, no flush, no electricty after 7am and no toilet paper! The only luxury we have is a noisy fan.

Ok. I’m off to climb again! Cya!

7 thoughts on “Greetings from Tonsai, Krabi!”

  1. ddave&honfaai: nah, they ahve internet cafes outside the hotel πŸ˜€ expensive though.
    jasmine: hehe yeah! but after this trip, i think ill be sick of climbing :s

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