Check this out, the game is kinda cute.
Now this is how it work :-
Use the left and right keys to control your willy.
Shoot using the space bar.
Hitting a condom get’s you 10 points.
If you don’t hit the condoms you will get a baby.
3 babies and you’re out!
I tried twice and always get baby. Thank God, my willy is ok.
ZOMG! 1sttttttttttt
iv’N is nowhere to be seen. hehehe
3rd ! yay !
thats because ivn saakksss
sux0rrrrrrzzzzzz 4th! š
the game so ez leh.. 3rd try already max score without any miss cue.. š
so childish the game. the person who wrote the post lagi childish.
childish is better than being mentallly disturbed.
yeah. but mentally disturbed is better than being fuckardo.
fuckardo. what a word from an unintelligent person. LOL
yeah, what a comment from a bhutto person. lalala.
your england so poor until i iz no understand.
it’s kinda easy.
i scored a max of 280 on my second try š
you brain is empty. that why you no understand my england.
boob_omatic: as empty as you huh?
dog fight?
xes: yeah, as empty as me.
lol @ the game and how the left nut does some kind of thump as it shoots…
I scored 100 and i still had 3 babies.
you fucking bickering cunts!
both of you should get a room
boob_omatic u shd go sodomize a horse
angmoh: why don’t you go get sodomized by an elephant?
sodomize a goat better.
angmoh: leave the poor horse alone. let the horse sodomize him.
angmoh: i suggest that you sodomize xes.
i must blame frank’s post for the cause of this racket ;D