gguni wrote in my last post :-
“good shit. But got cases in Malaysia where rich, bald, ugly chinese men got more than 2 wives.
How did they get pass the law? Marry in different state?”
To answer that :-
You see bro, the first wife will be his legitimate wife recognisable in law. The second wife will be consider as his second wife under his own customary and private law. The second wife will not be recognisable as his legitimate wife under the law. Nevertheless, all his children from his second wife will be his children under the Malaysia law if his name is in the children’s birth certificate. Both of 2 wives can live happily with him unless he die intestate, meaning he die without a will. Then, you will see a war between both the wives and their children over his property.
However, i have a better idea how all these bold, horny old man can marry more than one, in fact up to 5. Let’s look at the following scenaro :-
Tan Sri Lee is a afflunet, horny old bastard. At the age 50, he still dream of having more than 1 wife. His wife is so damn understanding and have no complain of it. In order to realise his dream, he converts to Muslim but his wife remain as a non Muslim. Once, he converted to Muslim, his marriage with his wife, a non Muslim is nulified but still recognisable under civil law. They do not go for divorce and just let it be. Soon, Tan Sri Lee hooked up with 4 girls aged between 18-25. He married all of them. So there you go, Tan Sri Lee has 5 wives. One recognsiable under civil law and 4 others recognisable under Syariah Law.
NOTE: This is the author’s own point of view. Should you choose to believe and practice it, the author and the members of will not be liable for it.
i’m confused.
tot this news came out like, few days ago liao? *blur* or was that a peek into the future? ;P
p.s. did u know that a non-malay who marries a muslim does not automatically become a bumiputra? hehe, sorry. saja wanna share knowledge..
yvonne: ya but his/her children will be considered as a bumi…ummm, that is according to my friend’s case lar. His father is a German…consider ang moh but his sis and him are bumi in m’sia.
all the malaysian loopholes being uncovered. you people want to find so many wives for what huh hehehe
Gavin: see oni, dun learn kay? Having one wife with one mother in law is bad enuf ady…
gavin wants 5 husbands.
up to 10 oso can lar..homosexual marriage is not recognise in m’sia, remember?
hehe, never thought of that kinda loophole in our law.
wah frank this is by far the most useful post done by you
Damn, I’m balding. Wander if i’ll turn ugly and horny, then marry 5 siu mui muis.