After one of our usual drinking sessions, Him, Ping, Kiang, WK (Jamie Toh) and I had supper at one Luk Luk (steamboat) trucks – just like any other typical Malaysian drinkers.
While we were having our luk luk, one of us dared WK to finish the entire tray of raw siham (cockles). There was about 10 sticks of it. We then offered him the sum of RM500 to finish it. WK rejected our offer.
We then pooled our money together, RM150 each, and offered him the sum of RM600 to finish the entire tray of raw siham – and with the conditions that he must finish them and he cannot cook them or add any condiments to it.
He took up the challenge. Here’s a video of him doing the challenge….can he doitt???
At the end of the video, we meant to say the phrase, “Winner Winner, Chicken Dinner!”. None of us got it right though.
Anyway, WK survived and was not hospitalized. He was fine the next day! He didn’t even have diarrhea! MALAYSIA TOP SIHAM IDOL!!
eh the video does’nt work lah.. make it work please.. we want to see this!!!!
eiiiii try again! it works now!
I din see any video. I want to see too. Cant believe that someone will do that.
aa.. this is weird.. i can see it on my end! Try accessing directly to the YouTube page @
I think you better get him tested for Hepatitis B 😉
heh i wont share food wif him until he gets himself tested!!!
Salute to WK for surviving this. Normal humans won’t be able to go through this alive!
yes, no normal human can survive this. He is SIHAM MAN!!
y i got no friends dare me like that. I WILL WIN WTF
wahah im sure pork gang can think of something for u!
now i know where jamie gets his kicking power from hahaha!!
munak: heh yeah siham power!!