I’m still not sure whether I could take Japanese this year. I already handed up the application form with the Japanese Language modulator�s approval signature on it. However, it�s not decisive. The department still could reject my application. And now, I�m stuck. I�m don�t want to drop my current subject, Law and Medicine, it�s boring. If my application for Japanese is rejected then I�ll take Forensic Medicine. The problem here is that the uni�s approval will only be given in a week�s time and therefore if my application for Japanese is rejected, I have to reapply for a module change again. Furthermore, this means that I have to attend the Forensic Medicine classes in the meanwhile so that i wont be clueless in the class when i�m accepted into Forensic Medicine.
I went for the Forensic Medicine class today. It�s really interesting. Today we learn about the process Death Certificate and the Timing of death. The timing of death is the interesting one. There are many things that affect the timing of death ie the weather, predations (ie maggots, flies, spiders), body size, location, and clothing. The timing of death is usually done using the body cooling method. The temperature of a dead body will decrease during its death. However, it�s not true sometimes. Events like decomposition will increase the body temperature. Furthermore, the body will be floppy right after it�s death. 6 hours later, the body will be stiff. However, 36 hours later, the body will be floppy again. This is caused by the chemical reaction in the muscles. There were many more things the lecture taught us. He kept on saying that the bodies were gruesome, smelly and horrible. He had to face with it all the time.
Frederick cooked dinner today. Charles went to London last night and Siew Lee is sick hence Frederick and Mindy had to take over the place of the cooks of the house. Dinner was really good. Frederick and Mindy�s cooking were superb. However, I screwed up the rice. I put too much rice and too little water. The whole thing turned out dry. Khai Fei and I tried to save it but unfortunately, it was too late. The rice was inedible.
– 11:50PM