Kuala Tahan, Taman Negara

Kuala Tahan is one of the gateways to Taman Negara. It lies on the riverbank of Sungai Tembeling. On the other side of Kuala Tahan, across Sungai Tembeling, is Taman Negara.

To get across to Taman Negara, one has to take a boat taxi. RM1 per trip, until 11PM everyday.

My boss said that 10 years ago, Kuala Tahan was just a base camp. Now it has developed into a tourist spot with basic amenities such as police station and school. Not forgetting the floating restaurants.

They even have floating souvenir shop!

And ice cream shop?

10 thoughts on “Kuala Tahan, Taman Negara”

  1. Applegal & Low: ….
    endroo: kekeke i stayed in a hostel.
    zhong: IT IS!
    Darren: hhmmm i heard the river rises during monsoon season.
    Khinko: HEHE MOST LIKELY. and yet i see people swimming in the river..

  2. I stayed in one of those floating dorms on the main river before.. all night can hear uncles in other cubicles snoring like bulldozers. Could hardly sleep a wink 🙁 Had to drag sleeping bag outside to sleep.

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