login script

I’m looking for a PHP login script that only allows registered user to access certain page. Can someone suggest some scripts for me to use?

Ops, forgot to insert the Before picture πŸ˜€



10 thoughts on “login script”

  1. Welcome to the “terminate the termites” club. I, too, was a victim of termites – my bloody Archie collection was eaten up by them.Anyway, couldn’t help but find the way you described your porch’s situation (previous post) hillarious. ho ho ho!

  2. Alternatively, you could try this trick. Lock a folder using password using a cgi script.I now reassemble my new website using a forum so I can control channel access.phpbb forum is the one i installed. u know now i don’t have time…sorry updating using forum might be much easier.

  3. di0n oxyscript is DAMN DAMN hard to setup la. no idea what query the database it πŸ˜€ gavin: have a cup of SHUT THE FUCK UP

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