Melbourne Shuffle Competition Finals @ Atmosphere

Congratulation to:
Azmer – 1st Prize! RM2000!
Eddy – 2nd Prize RM1000.
Christina! 3rd Prize RM500.

The winners

The trophies + token for judges

Here’s a little insight of how the judging panel works.

The panel of judges changed every round. It was the decision of the organizers and also due to some unexpected events. That explains the inconsistent results.

I was pretty frustrated to see some good shufflers that didnt qualify (esp Johnson arghhh). But qualification was not decided by one man but a panel of judges. It’s a question of perspective. One would feel this shuffler is better, but another one would feel that this shuffler is crap.

For the past 4 rounds (I skipped a week), we were pressured in many ways. Many people questioned about the qualification of the judges. Initially we kept our identity secret because we didn’t want people to question our judgement.

We were branded blind, fools and cowards when some good contestants didn’t make it to the finals. One even threatened to throw eggs at us. Dumb arse.

Of course, what matters are the end results. It doesn’t matter who qualified to the Finals and who didn’t. But some people were not happy with the end results as well. I humbly believe that the winners deserve their prizes. One might think they don’t but again I stress that the results is a collective result and not by one man.

Anyway, it’s over. I do not wish to discuss about the results again. I’m glad this controversial competition is over. Damage has been done to the Shuffling community in Malaysia. Now it’s time to patch up and reconcile.

Congrats to the winners, hope they spend their money wisely. I would recommend sharing 50% of them with the judges. YEAH!!!
We judges did not receive a single cent for the competition. All we got was a small token



Btw, thank you azmer for the free flow!

I thank Atmosphere club for organizing the event.

I have always dreamt of making Melbourne Shuffle big in Malaysia. Now it seems that it is more popular than it is before 6 years ago. Now, I can retire in peace…. Hehe

Here are some videos.

Winner of the 1st Melbourne Shuffle Competition in Malaysia – azmer

2nd Runner Up of the Melbourne Shuffle Competition in Malaysia – Christina
One of my favourite Shufflers – Kit Wai [#2]
Nice spins I dont rememeber who he is. There were about 20 contestants. By the time it reaches dancer number 7, I forgot how dancer no 1 did. [#2]

Another favourite Shuffler – HE FLOATS!!!

Last Dance – By Azmer.

16 thoughts on “Melbourne Shuffle Competition Finals @ Atmosphere”

  1. do the other two judges hav shuffling backgrounds?….how would they know how to judge?
    From what i know…one is just a dj and the girl……WHO??

  2. i think i know how e crowd felt. i was in jb 4 e breakdance hip hop competition n was fucking angry with e results too. i think e crowd questions e achievements of e judges n their abilities 2 judge. same 2 me becoz e best dudes dat we saw clearly who were damn good were being left out. we said it was totally well arranged b4hand n stuff. u know, cronyism.
    in other words, show us ur stuffs too b4 e competition starts! then u r worthy 2 b accepted as a judge of such competitions. i dun believe in hiring some nobody who dunno how 2 do e thing themselves or r not past title holders. then, e crowds will respect e decisions.

  3. Wow, some great photos and news 🙂
    I am so happy that it all went down well and everyone had fun. Awesome work guys and well done xes. I can’t wait to come play soon..
    chat soon bro 🙂

  4. seriously,i don’t see anything cool about this shuffle dance. no wonder xes cannot tell the different contestants after 30-50 trials. i mean none of the videos showed anything unique and spectacular which each contestant stands out. they are basically the same to me. of course, the setting is cool.
    breakdance however rules! they have trump card moves, outstanding individual creative moves and even some gravity defying stunts which makes different contestants stand out.

  5. Yean Kit Wai was the best followed by Scott. But after watching so many of these I can understand how hard it must have been to judge.

  6. Someguy: they all have shuffling background. you dont need superstars to judge this competition 😛
    Gavin: stfu la ehehe
    Darren: yup! damn nice!
    Hayden: gimme a call when you’re down here 😀
    Ben: aiyoh, apa tu stationary man ? those ppl who sells pen and pencils ah
    DieHardx: The problem is, this is the first competition in msia, hence no past title holder. The good shufflers have all joined the competition. and further, i believe that all the judges were qualified. our marks were almost similiar 😀
    LeeLi: i had it. but i deleted it cause i put the wrong settings for the took up too much space! 🙁
    hiphop: i can tell the difference even though its 100 or 200. all i can say is, you cant breakdance with techno/hard house/hard nrg eh? hehe
    Xenon: hehe glad u understand how its like! try watching 20 contestants at one shot..

  7. not a shuffleR? myself, and can’t say i could differentiate between the good n the bad, but d/l the videos, all look impressive to me -_-|||

  8. Hey Xes …. what the name of the track in the third video … been looking for awhile and cant figure it out …. really want to add it to my collection

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