My friend, Florence Lee created a series of comic strip of Mr MooOo. Mr MooOo’s comic strip will be publish from time to time on this website.
Guess how does the cow fly? 😀
My friend, Florence Lee created a series of comic strip of Mr MooOo. Mr MooOo’s comic strip will be publish from time to time on this website.
Guess how does the cow fly? 😀
by shooting milk?? woot, i’m da first
by shooting milk?
Does not look like its shooting…..more like a case of lactose intolerance and is cmin out from its A-hole…..
must be the udder! it’s got turbo that make it fly LOL
must be the udder! it’s got turbo that make it fly LOL
The Wings,there’s a pair of wing behine the cow.
it farts! it goes pffffttttt all the way through the sky!
ahahahaha it reminds me to Super Milk Chan ;D
why is this cow fr/in japan?
Darren: i thought build in NOS?
that ‘shooting milk’ thinggy reminds me of kung pow
amos: yeah with NOS too! hehe
it flys with fart power, and stops bad guys with it’s farts’ incredible smell and explosiveness!
deng deng deng deng! It’s Mr MooOo!
Kobe cows drink beer, Mr MooOo drink chivas? brohahahaha