Updated wendee’s info page! Click on her nick below
Here are some photos of Sheffield. I just got them developed yesterday
Broomhill, nearby 16 Watson Road.
The place where we usually buy our takeaways
Huge toilet spiders
– 5:53PM
Updated wendee’s info page! Click on her nick below
Here are some photos of Sheffield. I just got them developed yesterday
Broomhill, nearby 16 Watson Road.
The place where we usually buy our takeaways
Huge toilet spiders
– 5:53PM
damnit, i see tat damn spider everyday and i still feel so geli looking at it upclose right now..
spider in the toilet!!! i never knew that!!..kill it kill it kill it!!
siewlee.. u might as well let it bite u.. who knows maybe u can become spider woman.. heheh.. hey baby.. muakzz..
thank goodness malaysia doesnt have such spiders.
god dman. kill the damn thing. go take shelltox or something la! omggggg thats so disgusting!!! ewwwww
omigawd why won’t someone just STOMP on that thing?!? eeeeeewwww!
but whhhyyy.. its so innocent just chilling there..
wen dee > didn’t know you were a big fan of ‘innocent’ and huge, somewhat scary and disgusting eight legged thingies O=) hehehe..
eraine> it takes a whole lotta getting use to.. *looks at the guys in watson 16*
dee > *snickers*