tokyo short notes

Tokyo is environmental friendly. Garbage bins has separate compartments for plastic, paper and glass. Japanese are well discipline to separate them one by one.

Busses would turn off their engines whenever they stop, especially while waiting for the traffic light to turn green.

Japanese are well known to be polite. Whenever I enter a shop, they would greet me and thank me whenever I leave. However, their politeness has no effect on me. IMHO, I think that their welcomes and thank yous were inputted into their system. I find no sincerity in their greetings as it is just a part of their routine.

Japanese Telco puts our Malaysian Telco into shame. We are so far behind them. Japanese handphones has an email program, GPRS, high quality camera and even video conferencing!

Latest phones in Tokyo. Anyone care to translate it for all the readers?

Japanese girls are soOooooooooooooooooo HOT, HOOTTT AND HOOTT!! In the main streets of Shibuya and Shinjuku, pretty girls are abundant. I think itโ€™s about 10 PG/M!! (pretty girls per minute)

15 thoughts on “tokyo short notes”

  1. here in canada, most places you’ll find a 4-5 compartment garbage bin. recycling is some what of a big thing here too.and japanese telco puts any other telco company in the world to shame. they are the most advanced.

  2. yea yea yea, i love jap phones, they are soOOooooOOOOo CHUN and super CHEAP!!! it is only around rm200 to get one…!!haha… yea, show us the jap girls lar… 10PG/M somemore!!

  3. lol at first i tot pg/m = pretty girl per METER. that would be like walking down the streets and everyone ard u is so dmn gorgeous/pretty. freaky. but satisfaction guaranteed for u guys eh? ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. aiyo.. only got shojo stats ar… got leng chai stats for the benefit of the female readers here? *grin* & any bishonen pics? *giggle*

  5. wah quite packed with chicks rite? but shinjuku area… normal la…i think CL’s eyes also hoi fah already..ahaha the japs are so freaking advanced…won’t be surprised…. anyway where is the cover on the cars man? AND THE FOOD!

  6. di0n: w0w.. so did u separate your garbage like everyone else? ehhe fr0stie: chick pics not many ler..maybe u can try to spot one from group pictures keke YUMMIE: yaya damn cheap! but too bad our telco here cannot support it!! sow: yes very true!blossom: hehe seriou one..dont eblieve go visit tokyo urselfyen: wah! i’ve never though of per meter! i think it would be more than 10 pg/m!! oh yeah the guys are quite fit as well! quite good looking ! tracy: aiyo lengjai? this website got only one lengjai one! nobody can compete with him!! hehe! btw wats bishonen ? ๐Ÿ˜€

  7. haha most of the time la… if not… simply throw la! ๐Ÿ˜› i’m not the best recycler, but i usually do my part.

  8. Xes: Eh….Only in Shibuya and Shinjuku issit? I see most Jap girl got weird teeth and look damn kao weird wan. Generally la.

  9. tracy: bishonen.. i saw one in shinjuku! oh there’s a famous bihonen in , he hosts a talk show! di0n: mmm too bad its not common in malaysia ler. wolfx: mmm weird teeth ah..didnt notice that..but some girls are realllyyy weird…esp those with dark skin and blonde hair.

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