Some great links I received today…
For General viewing…
It a short clip of a Tanjung Rambutan (Tanjung Rambutan is famous for its mental hospital) man who could stick objects to his body.
For mmm..the guys…ONLY fapfapfapfapfapfap
e last link is e best! woooh!
This is turning to a porno site……………
xes spelled backwards is…. 😛
fugly ler that gurl.Totally not fappable. >_<
*shock* wolf@wolf… how come this naive’s fish fish never thought of that. hmm…
waiya… xes wanna make us horny kah?
wolfx: yao mou not fappable.. udifferent taste from us la. i know u like aahah
stoom: mmm no la. sharing is cring man eheh
fishfish :dont listen to wolfx, he lies.
gguni: where got porno. teh chick never show her pussy or nipples also keke
Ben: fapfapfapp
diehardx: YEAH!!!