Heineken Music Lab: Analog Girl @ ZOUK KL 28.4.2006


Initially it was just Sui Lin and I. Both of us were interested to see a Singaporean girl perform with a laptop and singing with it. What made it more intriguing is that she has performed in places like Japan, France and UK.

Then Sharon Dilirius and Angeline joined us.

Since it’s a Heineken organized party, beer was cheap. RM65 for a bucket of Heineken it and it comes with a free gift.

Admission was free but non-members of Heineken Music Lab would have to register themselves before getting in. I thought it was going to be packed, but it wasn’t so. We managed to find a place to sit.

Further, I had the privilege of the company of 3 gorgeous ladies. 😀 But the problem is that the 3 of them does not drink beer… ARGH. NO BUCKET OF BEER FOR ME! Fortunately, the Hardsequance crew was there as well, Jovi spared me a bottle 😀


Analog Girl was dressed in a black 1 piece dress, and sneakers O_O. She didn’t say much during her performance but she sang throughout her 45 minutes performance. I find her music a bit morbid. It has a little tinge of Bjork in it. Further, her equipment wasn’t limited to a Mac laptop, she had some sort of mixer as well.

Overall performance was fairly alright. The first few minutes were interesting but my fascination sort of die down after few songs.
There was another event in ZOUK as well. It was the Cleo’s 50 Most Eligible Bachelor party. The queue to get in to ZOUK was crazy, the line wasn’t that long when Eddie Halliwell was here. It was all the way till the roadside !

Further, no way I was going to attend that event. But definitely Gavin Tan would love to since he loves checking guys out. wahahHAha

11 thoughts on “Heineken Music Lab: Analog Girl @ ZOUK KL 28.4.2006”

  1. You making another Gay-vin joke. 😛
    Gahh…analog girl dun look as pretty as i thought. haha. Well…electronica is overall pretty morbid.

  2. May 01, 2006
    Heineken Music Lab: Analog Girl @ ZOUK KL 28.4.2005 <—-u gotta change this to 2006, my friend.
    I think her music was quite cool and chilling but the more u hear, u’ll get bored of it . lol

  3. WHAT THE? MAAAHAI…you wait man. I finish my assignment I gonna post one fucking Gay Chang Hai Photo!!

  4. Gavin says (10:04 PM):
    hehehe if you can show me her picture now right…i will announce to the whole world i am GAY!
    jeng jeng jenggg

  5. Oh I so so so so so wanted to go to that… then forgot, then got sick and then totally forgot until I read it now. I’ll have to live that experience vicariously through you then.
    Fun blog by the way. Melikes hugely!

  6. stupidbird: why la ? those guys not hot enough for you?
    bosanova: i GayHai Gavin is more interesting
    dolly: heheeh. thank u!!!

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