Malaysian Advertisement 2

For advertisement purposes, models are often used to attract attention and sell products.

For example,

I really don’t think she’s hot. In fact, she scares me.

xes once highlighted an advertisement in the newspaper of a new housing area where ambassadresses will bring you around should you wish to have a tour of the place before putting a deposit on a unit.


When I saw this, I was wondering whether we are to call them “ambassadresses” as well.

[Guess where this billboard is?]
Seriously, do you need 5 girls to promote biscuits? How many of you were actually impressed by it that you immediately rushed out to buy tons of them? The boxes of biscuits, I mean, not the girls. ;P
In a positive light, perhaps that’s how the government is actually creating employment.

“More girls in advertisements, why use only one? No no, avoid unemployment, hire more!”

p.s. Check it out – previously xes highlighted Malaysia’s #1 Hero we never knew of.

You want people to BUY your products, not be turned off by the advertisements and packaging, you know. ;P

24 thoughts on “Malaysian Advertisement 2”

  1. i pointed out the SAME thing when i saw them (dekat section 16? ). so scary and silly! that hero one really made me feel like running away from, not just him, but the brand itself. lol.

  2. have no idea where the no.3 is…
    but the motorola wan not scary la…its ok…at least ppl buy it mwa looking at it…the 3rd and 4th…i dunno
    they should put doraemon or u CL on the last billboard XD

  3. She has a distinctive look, it’s the make up that makes her look a little scary, but I think she’s pretty funky 🙂
    YEAH, was wondering where this this number one hero come from. They put a supposedly macho guy there and suddenly you see the words: Duta Biskut Julie’s. Alaaaaaaaa. . .

  4. politikus: ya, i got pissed off each time i was stuck in a jam and i had to look at that billboard last time!
    Abalon: Doraemon sell motorola??
    Thrillseeker & Scuzzy: bimboxes sounds like bimbo’s sex ;P
    i where got over-run this blog! if got, you’ll see everything in pink! ahaha ;P
    Applegal: funky yes, but not my kind of sexy 😉 even the packaging of the biscuits had that Duta Biskut Julie’s and Malaysia’s #1 hero shit. i wonder how the biscuit taste like though..
    endroo: hmmm…. nope. it’s in PJ.

  5. seriously … the motorola ad… i dun really feels is a “she” , it’s look likes a “he” wit some make up to me… what do u think?

  6. dogma: hehe i know! check out ;P
    mikim83: yes! sometimes i see a ‘he’ in the ad also.
    angmoh: only if my pics are naked?? i thought my pics would be enough…
    Abalon: Ohhh… ok ;P if doraemon was on the cover, it will be giant sized Ding Dang biscuits ;P
    frank_omatic: so if you by the Castello biscuits as well, the #1 Hero may come free for you as well….
    Scuzzy: go buy!
    angel_baik: takpe la, beli phone yang pink colour!
    endroo: where the Motorola ad is…

  7. Motorola as is near Siemens/Eastin Hotel la… ayoyo.
    So u mena the Myvito ad also near by there…. let me see….. if you come from Sec16 (UM), you come to a traffic light. Right turn to Sprint hiway towards Damansara, Bangsar etc. Left turn towards Eastin, TTDI etc… is it right opposite of you ? I know there are a lot of bushes & trees there.

  8. Well, if its publicity they wanted. Looks like you have just given them free publicity by posting the add here…. 🙂 They put that creature there for this purpose….

  9. eee, 1st adv, the model looks scary *agrees with bimbobum*
    there’s one adv of Motorola who uses a Japanese girl near my gym (she looks a bit androgyne) .. Does motorola always use this kind of model to promote their HP? ~_~
    2nd one .. err, looks like you can book the girls too … *cough*
    3rd and 4th…* scratches her unitchy head *
    don’t buy anything form Julie’s !!

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