Melbourne 21

Hen joined the Daytona I competition at Russell St. today. The entry fee was free but there weren’t much people (about 16 contestants). There are only 2 rounds, the qualifying round and the finals. The former is where 2 racers will be competing with each other and the winner goes to the finals. The latter is where all the 8 winners of the qualifying match compete with each other for the 1st prize. The winner will be presented with a small trophy.

Hen’s first match was exciting. Initially, he seems to be losing and the other player was much better than him. The other player kept on banging and overturning Hen’s car but Hen still could catch up with him. At the final stage, Hen was still behind, but within a twist of luck, the other player’s car crashed and Hen managed to win!

However, the finals wasn’t interesting. Cars just kept on crashing and cars kept on overtaking each other. Hen finished 7th out of the 8 contestants. Boo hoo.
10:50PMUpdated album section with Easter Break Melbourne trip pictures.