I am tired. No, not because i did not sleep enough or that i had been working hard. Tired because i am helping someone solve her problem while ironicly i have hired her to solve my problem. I do not why i am so kind to her. I should be shooting nasty and sarcastic remarks because i am her client. But then again, her problem is my problem and i guess i have to help her to help myself. But again…I don’t know what the FUCK i am talking about. I just wanna blog about this for the sake of blogging and to release my frustration.
maybe derz sum chemistry goin on…
when someone suddenly willingly take unexplainable sh*t…sumthingz fishyyyy
hmm…i’m more confused than i already am…
wat tokking u???
more of these posts would would definitely close http://www.xes.cx down. hehe
Frank’s in lurveeeeeeeeeee…… ngekngekngek.
Snap outta it and get drunk! 😛
Just chill man 🙂
frank: de-stress first, tackle problem later.
xes: hehe~ … yr pron pics will boost up popularity =) i mean, yr SUPPLY of pron, not pron pics of u.
yvonne: how about pron pics of u ?? hehehe
hmm… frank is the person’s client and he is in love with her? does anyone thinks this sounds like some kind of escort service?
i am in love with my client ar? hahahahhahaha…
yvonne: porn pic of you?
hmm….. will that bring in money? i’m short of cash. ;P a hippo’s body isn’t exactly appealing, u know =)
yvonne: sure can one. I can guarantee you!!!