
Gay Leong has asked me countless amount of times to blog but each time i couldn’t log into greymatter which sucks!!! =D Yeah in some ways i do deserve to be kicked off as guest blogger but u can entirely blame meeee. I got to blog in my site, Cris’s and Gavin’s site as well. Yeah i know i don’t do often and its true i tend to procrastinate alot as well. tee heee!

Anyway i’m sure everyone here are familiar with the ‘presenting Gavin Tan’ posts so i’m not gonna do any of that sort. Will leave it up to Leong to handle that. NOTTTTTT!!!! =D Sorry Gavin! Anyway let’s talk bout Gavin a little here. He’s always the center of attention when it comes to nutty topics. Especially when there’s only me, Chen, and Leong there with him. It’s always a mystery on how he always manage to crack all of us up at once.

Unfortunate circumstances usually befalls him wherever he does. I’m sure he’ll earn heaps if he would just listen to me and take up the profesion of a clown. Then the phrase ‘Presenting Gavin Tan’ would be at it’s fullest! I’ll confirm be a BIG FAN! How bout everyone else? Wouldn’t u try hard to get his autograph? Wouldn’t u DIE for it???? huh? huh? HUH???

One thought on “Recommendations”

  1. commentign in because i`ve seen cl`s comment..but to agree with tiberian on the amount of cl ever talk about himself to “presenting gayvin or gavin tan” :X

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