zing’s birthday..

Mission accomplished! Zing was fucked! And so was Faith! YAY!

The BBQ party was great, loads of food, loads of friends, and great atmosphere. We had chicken wing, onion mushroom soup, macaroni and salmon, lamb chop, sausages and marshmallows :D~~

Faith brought back a bottle of absinthe (89.9% alcohol!) from New Zealand again. Couple of us downed few shots. I had a headache after a shot. Loads of people were avoiding it but Faith was pretty good at pressuring people hence many had feel to her wicked deeds (to get people fucked)

Zing was drunk. He was singing and dancing around. When he was opening his presents, he kept on repeating, ?Oh I love my present? and kept on kissing his birthday cards.

By the end of the night, Zing was fucked. Faith was vomiting on a plastic bag.

It was really a good party. Thank you Zing for the great party!

6 thoughts on “zing’s birthday..”

  1. Faith brought back a bottle of absinthe (89.9% alcohol!) from New Zealand again. Couple of us downed few shots. I had a headache after a shot. Loads of people were avoiding it but Faith was pretty good at pressuring people hence many had feel to her wicked deeds (to get people fucked) shouldnt it be, many had FELL to her wicked deeds . mista lawyer? 😛

  2. Wah, so cruel. They muz have pucked their internal organs out.Man, this is worse than a Bird Day Bash mannnnnI rather get whacked then drunk and puking on my bird day.Lucky me I don’t know any of u:p (mayb that’s my lose as well)

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