Why you look so surprise???
ya lar, i forgot to blog on Saturday. I put this up today (05-12-2005) to make up for it. =P
Author: Frank_omatic
Book of Corinthians
Today, we are gonna read verse from the bible. =P
Hey don’t complain!!! You can’t come here everyday for jokes and hamsup (X-rated)stories. Sometime, i need to write serious post also or else the Metro will feature me in their sunday headline.
Anyway, this is one of favourite bible verse which i was forced to recite in Sunday School in Mandrin. (Ya, i went to Mandrin Speaking Church.):-
“Love is patient, love is kind.
It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.
It is not rude, it is not self-seeking,
it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.
Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.
It always protects, always trusts,always hopes, always perseveres.”
[1 Corinthians 13:4-7]
Beautiful verse right? I shall recite that for my wedding. That is if i ever get marry la.
Last Saturday, i went to buy Domino Pizza. I told and wrote my name on the order form, F-R-A-N-K, Frank.
Then i sat waiting for the pizza with my friend, drinking coca cola. 15 minutes later, the supervisor called out.
No reply from anyone.
eh, that sounded like my order, i thought to muyself. So, I walked to the supervisor.
“I ordered Aloha Chicken Pizza but my name is Frank”
The supervisor took a look at my order form and the sticker on the Pizza box.
“oooh, Frank. Sorry ar.”
Stupid la, how can you mispronounce Frank as Farouk. They are so different!!!
what the FUCK!!!
I don’t remember if i have use this title before but don’t give a fuck la, this is definately a WHAT THE FUCK MOMENT!!!
KOPI JANTAN (MAN’s COFFEE) with ah pekS (UNCLES)model!!!! WHAT THE FUCK!!!
I will try to make myself try that coffee one day. I hope my buddy will not die on me after i did. *cross fingers* =/
For Fame or Honour?
Recently, a lot of my friends stumbled upon my blog entries on www.xes.cx. When they looked at the photo on the blog. They usually went “Oh My God, Frank has a blog!”
They went on and asked me a lot of question. Among them are :-
Q: Why do you want to have a blog?
A: I don’t have a blog. I am sharing a blog with Xes.
Q: Why don’t you set your own blog instead of sharing one with Xes?
A: Well, after 4 years of blogging here, i don’t see a reason why i should set up my own blog. Afterall, xes and me has a very good partnership here and we enjoy it.
Q: Do you mind if xes is more popular than you.
A: No, of cause not. I am not here for fame. I blog because i enjoy people reading my crap.
Q: Why did you decide to guestblog on www.xes.cx?
A: Xes was getting kinda lazy to blog at one point. So he asked Wen Dee and me whether or not we would like to blog on his website. Before that, Xes had tiberian-x as his guestblogger. I decided to join it because i was bored and thought of giving it a try.
Q: People said that you are hamsap (“prevertive”)
A: Yes, i am hamsap because i am a man.
Q: Do you really mind if no one commented on your blog entries?
A: At first, no. Now, yes. Of cause, i like to see that someome is actually reading my entries. It’s kinda sad to look at the site-o-meter and realise that out of 400-600 visitors, not a single one of them actually bother to read my entries. Tell me, will you feel disgruntled if you are in my shoes?
Q: So what are gonna do about it?
A: eeer…sometimes, i ask a friend to put a one liner there. =P
Q: So you would love to have a lot of comments on your blog entries?
A: duh…of cause but honestly the numbers doesn’t matter. As long as i know that you people are enjoying it and i am enjoying it, then i will be happy.
Q: Does it piss you off when people don’t know that www.xes.cx is one of the oldest blog that is still active in Malaysia.
A: Ya, sometimes i do but kinda think about it, the purpose of us blogging is not about gaining fame. We actually don’t want people to know that we have a blog especially our fellow peers (from legal profession).
Q: Do you spell check and proof read your post before you post it? Because i saw a lot of grammar and vocabulary mistake on your entries.
A: Comon la!!! This is a bloody blog la. No need so serious one right? As long as you understand what i am trying to tell you then it is fine.
Q: …..
A: …..eeer..kinda run of idea of what to ask? =P
P.S. I saw on Xes’s MSN nick that his broadband modem was struck by lighting (not again…!!!). Anyone has any spare modem to give Xes? But then again, i don’t think Xes will take it if anyone offer. Will you, Xes?
Missing, please help
Have seen this girl?
The girl in the picture is Lee Wei Peng (18 years old) whom had been reported missing since last Saturday, 19-11-2005. Lee is involved in Direct Sales.
On the night she went missing, she was out to see her first client in a coffee shop with a male colleague at around 5pm. Her colleague left at about 7pm but Lee stayed on to chat with the client. Later at 7:15pm, she called her mother and told her mother that she was in KLCC and that she was on her way back to celebrate her mother’s birthday. Her family never heard from her after that.
If you have seen her and/or know where she is, please contact the nearest police station or call MCA at 03-21615678
To Fellow Bloggers, please help by posting this on your blog. The missing girl is my friend’s friend’s daughter.
EDIT: Lee Wei Peng has been found. Thank you all for your help.
Die A Happy Fish?
Don’t this fish looks like it is smiling? Even though, it is dead?
I saw this in the toilet…
Looked like ice to me. But why would people pour so much ice inside here? Out of curiousity, i touched it. ooooh..cold. IT IS ICE!!!
Random Habits
A girl brought up this topic sometimes ago. She asked whether or not the guys wiped their penis after they took a pee. My friend, Mr. NC’s answer was “Nah, don’t bother. I just wipe it on my underwear.” The other friend said “eeer, my mum never told me to do so.” Dumbass, what an answer. As for me, hmmm…it never crossed my mind.
A while ago, my cousin asked me did i face the wall when i shower or the other day. *scratch head*…i thought about it in the shower just now. When i am tired, i put my head on the wall thus facing it. When i am not, it depends….
P.S. God, please give Man Utd strength to thrash Chelsea Tonight. 1-0 is enough. Please…..
Funny Uncles
Wednesday, 02-11-2005; i played snooker with my friend in One Snooker Centre. A bunch of uncles (Middle age man ranging from 40 -50 years old) were playing Lucky (A kind of game, don’t quite know how to explain it…bah =P). They were cracking a lot of funny one liners among themselves. Here are some of the funniest one that i can remember…
On People who Cheat
Uncle A: B, you are cheater.
Uncle B: No, i am not.
Uncle A: B, with friend like you. I am not surprise that some man don’t have balls.
On Younger Girlfriend
Uncle A: B, why you talk to your girlfriend like she is 14.
Uncle B: Ya, she is 14. You want to see her sms?
On Friend who don’t hang out with them often
Uncle A: B, let’s don’t hang out with C anymore.
Uncle C: Why?
Uncle A: Because he wai hai sei (Canto slang for man who dump their buddy for girls)
Uncle B: huh? how?
Uncle A: C always goes out with his wife.
On sexy girls
Uncle A: eh, B! C! Comon, play la. Stop looking at the TV
Uncle B and C: Fuck you la, Shakira is so sexy. We don’t wanna play anymore.