Samsung Galaxy Note – Part II


Samsung Galaxy Note was launched in Malaysia on 11 November 2011.

If you’re still thinking on whether to get one, check out the videos of their features below.


Portability –

S-Planner –

S – Memo –

Polaris office –

Social Hub and reader –

Now, what are you waiting for?

Samsung Galaxy Note


If you’re having a headache on what Smartphone to buy, well, your headache has just increased. Samsung has just unveiled their new phone, the Samsung Galaxy Note. The look of the phone is quite similar with Samsung Galaxy SII but it has more/upgraded features.

The size of the Galaxy Note’s screen is 5.3″ – larger than Samsung Galaxy SII. It also comes with HD Super AMOLED – which gives better graphics and view. You can check out the video below on what HD Super AMOLED means.

My current phone is starting to lag due to the Apps that I loaded on my phone. These Apps are starting to clog up my system. The new Galaxy Note’s 1.4Gz Dual Core should be able to solve this.

One great difference about this phone is the stylus – which they call the S Pen.

Steve Jobs rubbished the use of stylus but Samsung went against his view and put one anyway. It seems great on video as it gives users precision.

With the S Pen, you can write on the Galaxy Note and Galaxy Note’s embedded software will recognise the text and turn it into digital text. Would love to try this function when I write my notes while at work. Retyping the whole thing takes up a lot of my time (and my juniors’ time too!)

It is currently not officially available in Malaysia yet but some people have got their hands and posted the following unboxing videos *envy*:

Android Authority Lengthy techie explanation

Review by Winnie. Rarely you find a girl reviewing a phone. Good for girls to watch as they can look the phone at a girl’s point of view.

Review by Sham Hardy dalam Bahasa Malaysia.

Other videos
Unboxing by Amanz –
Samsung GALAXY Note fits by Donovan –

Would love to have a test phone and review it on how good it is for work! Just like how I wrote my piece on “All Lawyers should have an iPad!“. This article stayed as one of the top posts on LoyarBurok for more than a month!

You can check out other notable features of the Galaxy Note in the video below.

Nissan Livina X-Gear


Nissan had an event at Sunway Pyramid over the weekend. I made a trip down to check out the event.

View from the top!

It was quite interesting. They had a rock climbing wall and skateboard ramp. Some of my old climbing friends were running the wall and teaching newbies climbing. They set up an event company just to organize outdoor activities.

The route on the basic wall was quite simple. Many people were climbing the wall – including kids! And for kids that are not so active, they can opt for the picture colouring section.

I cant imagine how it would be like if my kids were into climbing. My friend’s son love climbing and he climbs everything in sight. My friend has to rescue his son from places high up all the time.

As for the skateboard ramp, anyone can take up classes there. Skates, helmets and pads all provided. There were some skater boys showing off their skills. I can’t skate for nuts hence I skipped it. Further, my knees are not doing so well. The peril of hitting the big 3-0.

There are two highlights of this event namely the Nissan X-Gear and iOS App. AL is thinking of getting the Nissan X-Gear. The interior is spacious – perfect when we have children. There were many helpful people around the cars to guide and brief us on the specs of the car. One of them was kind enough to introduce other Nissan cars.

The trunk is very spacious too. It can fit me with a lot of space left.

Trying to get in… (took this picture while no one is looking..)

This 1.6cc 5 seater cost RM82,800.00.

There were a few ladies promoting the Nissan X-Gear iOS App. They were handling out little code like this.

AL scanned the code with her iPhone4 and viola! we were directed to iTunes to download the X-Gear App.

The special thing about this App is that is utilizes augmented reality. If you’ve not been following augmented reality, it’s basically a function where the app will run a program when it is facing a certain surface. In this X-Gear App, a game will run when an Apple device (eg iPhone4 iPad2) faces the X-Gear logo.

AL downloaded the App and a lady showed us how to use it. She faced the camera on a marker and a cute driving game suddenly appeared. You can download a copy of the marker at

In this game, you will be in the simulated city. You need to drive your brand new X-Gear and pick up as many passengers as you can. Drop them off at the NISSAN Showroom to redeem your points. No, you can’t knock the passengers down and kill them.

You have 180 seconds to pick up and drop off as many passengers as you can. If you pick up more VIP & VVIP Passengers, you will earn more points. Also, collect time capsules to give yourself more time! Each time capsule gives you an extra 10 seconds.

If you do well, you stand a chance to win an iPod Shuffle, or even an iPad 2. For every 1000 points collected, you gain one (1) entry. Therefore, the more you play, the higher your chances of winning. Closing date is 15 Dec 2011.

This App also comes with a Garage which gives you a 360-degree view of Nissan X Gear. It allows you to change the colors of the cars, and explore its cool and innovative features. Black looks awesome!

You can download the Apps here:-
iOS (iPhone/iPad/iTouch)

For more info, please visit

AEDES pula mengancam manusia..


Couple of years ago, my house had problem with mosquitoes. You see, my neighbour decided to stop maintaining his backyard and consequence to that, his backyard became a jungle!

At that time, we had tenants staying in the annexure of our house. The annexure faced the so-called “jungle”. Couple with the fact that my garden is pretty huge, we had mosquitoes all around our house!

Subsequently, one of my tenants caught dengue fever. She started having fever but she kept quiet about it – probably thinking that it was normal fever. Fortunately, we spotted red rashes on her arms and quickly sent her to a hospital. She was diagnosed with last stage dengue fever! Fortunately, after being hospitalized for a week, she made full recovery thereafter. If we didn’t see the red rashes, our tenant would probably be dead. Carrying a dead body out from my house is the last thing I want to do. Uhhh

Dengue fever is very common in Malaysia. I know a nurse whose young daughter died of dengue fever. Before her death, the nurse’s husband went missing and could not be found. What a sad life.

It is important to know the symptoms of dengue fever. According to, the symptoms are as follow:-

The signs and symptoms of Dengue fever are as follows:

– High fever (104 F, 40°C)

– Chills

– Headache

– Red eyes, pain in the eyes

– Enlarged lymph nodes

– Deep muscle and joint pains (during first hours of illness)

– Loss of appetite

– Nausea and vomiting

– Low blood pressure and heart rate

– Extreme fatigue

Basically, dengue commences with high fever and other signs as listed above for 2 to 4 days. Then, the temperature drops rapidly and intense sweating takes place. After about a day with normal temperature and a feeling of well-being, the temperature rises abruptly again. Rashes (small red bumps) show up on the arms, legs and the entire body simultaneously along with fever. However, rashes rarely occur on the face. The palms of the hands and soles of the feet may be swollen and bright red. Although the patient may feel exhausted for several weeks, most cases of dengue take approximately one week to recover. Once a person recovers from dengue, he or she will have antibodies in their bloodstream which will prevent them from having a relapse for about a year.

Prevention is better than cure. If you have a garden or some containers lying around, you may want to follow the guidelines provided by Singapore National Environment Agency (NEA)

At all times

– Turn pails and watering cans over.

– Remove water in plant pot plates. Clean and scrub the plate thoroughly to remove mosquito eggs. Avoid the use of plant pot plates, if possible.

– Loosen soil from potted plants to prevent the accumulation of stagnant water on the surface of the hardened soil.

– Do not block the flow of water in scupper drains along common corridors. Avoid placing potted plants and other paraphernalia over the scupper drains.

– Cover rarely used gully traps. Replace the gully trap with non-perforated ones and install anti-mosquito valves.

– Cover bamboo pole holders after use. Rainwater can potentially accumulate in these bamboo pole holders if they are uncovered and create a habitat.

– Remove air-conditioner trays as the condensate could accumulate on them, which present an ideal breeding ground for mosquitoes. Instead, redirect the condensate to bathrooms or toilets.

Every other day

Change water in flower vases. Clean and scrub the inner sides of vases. Wash roots of flowers and plants thoroughly as mosquito eggs can stick to them easily.

Once a week

Clear fallen leaves and stagnant water in your scupper drains and garden. These leaves collect water or cause chokages to the drains thus resulting in the buildup of stagnant water.

Once a month

– Add prescribed amounts of sand granular insecticide into vases, gully traps and roof gutters, even if they are dry.

– Clear away fallen leaves in roof gutters and apron drains. If structurally feasible, remove the roof gutters.

Alternatively, beat the sh*t out of them when you see one!

Check out for more information!

Buddy Up and be rewarded with amazing trips!


Although we left school more than 10 years ago, my high school buddies and I still hang out together. Some of them have left the Malaysia and settled overseas. Three of them have settled down in Australia namely in Sydney, Brisbane and Perth.

Nevertheless, we still keep in touch and we will all hang out when they are back. Whenever they are back, we would make a road trip. Our last trip was to Pulau Tioman. We spent quite a lot of time sight seeing.

Went swimming. My buddies tried to merge themselves into a boat for my other buddy to ride on -_-

To travel around Pulau Tioman. 12 of us cramped in a van with deflated tyres -_-

We played futsal in the evening.

And night time, drinking!

However, getting there was terrible. We missed our ferry and somehow got some strangers to send us to Pulau Tioman using a fisherman’s boat.

This wooden boat had no toilet. The sea was choppy and we got seasick halfway. When we arrived at Pulau Tioman, the boatman dropped us on the wrong jetty and he decided to abandon us at the jetty! We found some fisherman to send us to the hotel jetty.

It was a terrible 8 hours ordeal -_-

But the trip was well worth it. We rarely get to hangout due to our locations and busy schedules.

If I am rich, I would sponsor all my buddies for a road trip to Australia to meet up with our other buddies staying in Australia! No more fisherman’s boat!

Perhaps I should get Great Eastern to help me. Great Eastern is celebrating its 103rd anniversary and they’re giving away cash and trips worth more than RM55,000.

All I need to do is sign up, create a wishlist and invite my friends to Buddy Up with me. If I have the most friends who Buddy Up with me, I will be rewarded with fantastic trips of my choice! I get to bring 3 of my friends along. Check out the prizes below! The Grand Prize is worth RM 16,000!

Other than the above prizes, there will be weekly winners. The top participant with the most friends who Buddy Up with him/her in a particular week gets rewarded with cash! And the cash amount goes up week after week!!

You have until 4 December 2011 to invite friends to Buddy Up with you. Who knows, that theme park holiday to Disneyland, Hong Kong or to Gold Cost, Australia might just be yours. Good luck!

Visit to join!

So, you passed your CLP. Now, what?

Last year, I wrote wrote an entry guiding law students on the Malaysian Legal Profession. The title was “Students’ Guide to Malaysian Legal Profession“. Few days ago, the results for Certificate of Legal Practice (CLP), the qualifying examination that all foreign law graduates must take before they can be legally qualify in Malaysia, was released. I thought it would be timely to reproduce the article again but this time at Malaysia’s leading bLawg, Loyarburok. Here’s the reproduction of the article.

So, you passed your CLP. Now, what?

Congratulations to those who had passed their Certificate of Legal Practice (CLP). A lifetime of joy and misery await you. If you decide to practice, I am sure some of you would wonder where is the best place to go. I hope this article will assist those in doubt.

When a student is qualified to start his pupillage, he has 3 choices to proceed moving forward, namely a large, medium or small law firm. There is no exact definition as to what amounts to a large, medium or small law firm. But based on my own view, a large firm has around 20 lawyers, medium sized firm has less than 20 lawyers whereas small law firm has 5 or less lawyers.

A chambering student’s allowance would range from RM800 to RM2500. A large firm generally pays higher allowance.

Generally, large and medium firms (let’s call them larger firms) can expose a student to various types of work. Most of the larger firms have separate departments where a student will be expose to matters relating to corporate, conveyancing, litigation, intellectual property, employment etc. Some larger firms have a rotation system where a student will be rotated to different departments. Also, larger firms generally pay more. When I was chambering, my allowance was RM1,500.00. My friends in the smaller firms were getting RM800.00 – RM1,000.00.

A small firm may not expose a student to many types of work. However, some small firms are boutique firms which specializes in certain areas of law. For example, there are some law firms in Kuala Lumpur which specializes in Intellectual Property. They are very reputable and highly recognised in the Intellectual Property industry. They also have the best clients and the best work. With this, joining a smaller firm does not mean a student will learn lesser things.

Also, in a small firm, a student may be able to handle files on their own (most of the time under a partner’s supervision). A student will most like also get to shadow the partner.

In larger firms, it will take time for a student to be able to handle files of their own. A student usually starts off with menial work (e.g research, translation). Substantive work will probably come at a later stage. A student in a large firm may find themselves doing less important work than their comtemporaries in a smaller firms.

Also, in a smaller firm, a student may be given more opportunity. When I was an attachment student in a small firm, the bosses decided to send me to Japan for an assignment. This may not happen if I had been attached in a larger firm!

Free Trip to Tokyo. Source from

When I wanted to look for a place for pupillage, I couldn’t decide as to whether to join a larger firm or go back to the small firm for my pupillage. I emailed a family friend and asked him where to go.

He advised me to join a larger firm so as to take advantage of the networking opportunities. Initially, I did not understand what he meant by “networking opportunities”, but after a few years, I began to understand.

In a larger firm, a student will get to know many people. In the legal profession and as a basic business principle to make money, it is not “what you know”, it is “who you know”. Of course, legal knowledge is very important but if you do not have the necessary connections, the legal knowledge will be not utilized. There will be no food on your table if you do not have the necessary connections to bring in business.

A student’s friends and colleagues may eventually become legal advisers in companies, businessmen, directors and even politicians. They may become your source of referral for businesses in the future.

But this doesn’t mean that a small firm would lose out in business. There are of course many ways to get business. For example, be active in Bar activities, give talks, join associations etc and recently, through social media networking.

If a student finds that pupillage in a larger firm / small firm is not his cup of tea, he may always switch.

Once a student finishes his or her pupillage, he may or may not be retained in his firm as a legal assistant/associate (different title but same position). A first-year legal assistant/associate’s salary in Kuala Lumpur firms may range from RM2,000.00 to RM4,000.00.

Lastly, if you aim to have lifetime career as a lawyer, you should always aim for partnership or alternatively, set up your own firm (as a sole proprietor or a partnership). A partnership in a larger firm may take a longer time as most of the time, there are many people ahead of you. Even if you are made partner, it will take time to be an equity partner (a partner with shares of the firm, thus gets a share of the profits). Most of the time, young partners in a larger firm are only salaried partners. It will take time to be an equity partner. However, such situation in a small firm may vary. Some small firms are known not to take new partners.

I hope the above is of assistance. If you have any comments that are helpful, please share.


This event is open to non lawyers. It’s for charity.

We are pleased to announce the return of our highly anticipated KL BAR YLC CHARITY NIGHT 2011: THE BAR GIVES BACK! This annual event is happening on 30 September 2011, 7pm-11pm at Seduction, KL (Jalan P. Ramlee). Hosted by Jason Leong from The Comedy Club fame and featuring guest performance by ECX, the winner of Showdown 2011, this year’s Charity Night 2011 is the biggest one yet! Tickets are reasonably priced at RM35 for early birds and RM40 for tickets purchased at the door. Prices are inclusive of two drinks of your choice and finger food. Kindly contact Melissa Dass at or 03-26920745 to purchase your tickets.

1. Date:30th September 2011 (Friday)

2. Venue: Seduction Club (Below Modesto’s) Jalan P.Ramlee

3. Time: from 7pm onwards.

4. Tickets priced at RM35.00 ONLY before 30.09.2011 (RM40.00 at the door ONLY):

Click here for more details.

Purina One – Picture of Health Contest – Part II

I used to have dogs when I was in primary school. It all started when a stray dog came to my house and gave birth to 10 puppies. We adopted the stray dog, which we named Lassie, and the puppies.

We eventually gave all the puppies away except two puppies named Pilot and Flower. That was in 1990. Lassie die a few months after giving birth. We adopted Pilot and Flower as our own.

Smiling Pilot

Angry Looking Flower

Pilot was my favourite. Flower on the other hand was an angry bully. Pilot eventually passed on but my parents hide her death from me. They said Pilot ran away. I didn’t know Pilot died years later.

I have now stopped rearing dogs. Mum now suddenly grown fond of cats. I have a few of them at home now. I hope Mum doesn’t turn into the cat lady in The Simpsons.

Anyway, do check out the doggie pictures posted by contestants on Purina One’s gallery. There are only 60 entries now. That’s like 1/60 chance of winning RM10,000!

If you’re thinking of posting an entry, you may consider doing the following:-

Add in some props like a hat

or a shirt

Also pose with Purina One like Charlie here.

Or do some stunts like this. This dog reminds me of Ping

Ong Bak!

Click the link below to join!

Purina One – Picture of Health Contest

If you have dogs, you may want to join the Purina One – Picture of Health Contest. To enter, purchase any Purina One products and you may enter via the website or simply pick up a contest entry form in all major hypermarkets.

If you enter the contest via the website, just answer two simple questions and then just upload photos of your doggie to the Purina One website and stand a chance to win the first prize of RM10,000 cash and one year supply of Purina One.

Also, check out Purina One’s spokesperson Angel Wong Chui Ling’s diary on her pet pooch Fatty at Purina One’s website.

Third payment from Nuffnang

Just as I was in dire need of funds to renovate my new house, I receive my 3rd cheque from Nuffnang. Last year’s advertorials were good. I was receiving two advertorials a month.

My parents passed me one of their houses to me. It’s a very old house and pretty run down. I had almost everything taken down and it costs me a bomb to re-fix the entire thing.

Many thanks to Nuffnang for the lifeline!