Today! Earth Hour 2008

On March 31 2007, for one hour, Sydney made a powerful statement about the greatest contributor to global warming – coal-fired electricity – by turning off its lights. Over 2.2 million Sydney residents and over 2,100 businesses switched off, leading to a 10.2% energy reduction across the city. What began as one city taking a stand against global warming caught the attention of the world.
In 2008, 24 global cities will participate in Earth Hour at 8pm on March 29. Earth Hour is the highlight of a major campaign to encourage businesses, communities and individuals to take the simple steps needed to cut their emissions on an ongoing basis. It is about simple changes that will collectively make a difference – from businesses turning off their lights when their offices are empty, to households turning off appliances rather than leaving them on standby.
Be a part of it.
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Election 2008: Part IV

The elections results are finally out. The opposition takes 5 states – Kelantan, Kedah, Perak, Selangor and the Penang. The opposition also managed to deny Barisan Nasional a 2/3 majority forcing the Barisan Nasional to declare a simple majority.

This general election also marks the exit of a few well known politicians such Datuk Seri S. Samy Vellu and Datuk Seri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil. Poor Samy Vellu lost his seat which he had been holding on since 1974 on 8 March 2008, on his 72nd birthday. I was told that his supporters prepared a cake to celebrate his ‘victory’ and birthday. Unfortunately, I don’t think he was at any mood to cut any cakes.

Dr. Lo’ Lo’ .. what a name..

Fellow blogger, Jeff Ooi won comfortably at Jelutong. My cousin also managed to win a state seat in Perak. He’s only in his late 20s! Another surprise would be Low Gwo Burne, the man behind the V.K Lingam video and KeAdalian candidate for Kelana Jaya. For a person who is not even a registered voter in Malaysia, he has created an upset by beating the Barisan Nasional candidate.

My polling station was at SK Seri Mega, my former primary school. It’s been more than 10 years since I stepped into my old school.

Just as I stepped in front of the main gate, I saw Ms Carol Chew, candidate for Barisan Nasional helping out an old uncle with his motorcycle – surrounded by a group of photographers. Ms Carol Chew whom my mum dubbed as “Fei Poh” (translation: Fat Girl) is actually quite petite and fit. Her campaign pictures were not very flattering.

I bet that this uncle is actually an Opposition supporter…

I was directed to a room which I used to sit when I was in standard 2. The transparent ballot box laid in the middle of the room. The polling agents were screaming all sorts of funny numbers. As soon as I dropped by vote into the ballet box, I left the place and went on a tour of my school.

Place to check on voting details..

My old classroom..

My school didn’t change much save for the new computer lab. I started snapping pictures of my alma mater.

A policeman approached me and politely informed me that I cannot take pictures in the compound. Thank god he didn’t confiscate my camera.

Few hours later, Teresa Kok was declared winner of the Seputeh parliamentary seat with a majority of 36,492 votes, one of the highest highest in Election 2008.

Election 2008 – Part II

Recently, I received an email alleging that the Electoral Roll has phantom voters. In the email, it was stated that the following identity card numbers reveals persons who are over 100 years old and have been designated with a polling station!
(note: you can check the details of the voters @
And indeed the above persons have been designated a place to vote!!

Few days back, Bernama reported, in order to clarify on the confusion by the Opposition, that the Master Electoral Roll used for the general election is free of the names of voters who had died.

    February 29, 2008 00:02 AM
    Master Electoral Roll Free Of Dead Voters
    PUTRAJAYA, Feb 28 (Bernama) — The Master Electoral Roll to be used for the general election is free of the names of voters who had died.
    The roll containing the names of 10,922,139 voters who died up to Dec 31 last year was gazetted on Feb 5.
    Election Commission (EC) secretary Datuk Kamaruzaman Mohd Noor said it had removed the names of 697,902 voters who died between Jan 1, 2004 and Dec 31 last year.
    He said the commission was mindful that there were registered voters who died between Jan 1 and March 7 this year.
    “The general election laws do not allow EC to remove the names of the deceased from the Master Electoral Roll. Their names will be exhibited in April for public viewing,” he said when commenting on the confusion among Opposition parties.
    “Political parties and independent candidates need not worry as claims that some people will be voting in place of dead registered voters are baseless.”
    The EC would be distributing the list of voters who died between Jan 1 and March 7 and their identity card numbers to all polling centre heads, he said.
    “This will enable them to be aware of voters who had died to prevent the issuance of ballot papers in their names.
    “They have also been directed to get police help to nab those who turn up to vote using the identity cards of dead voters.
    “The offenders will be arrested under the Criminal Procedure Code and the offence is punishable under Section 7 of the Election Offences Act 1954.
    “Those who disguise as voters can be jailed for up to two years and fined a minimum of RM1,000 or up to RM5,000.”
    In an effort to clean the electoral list of names of dead voters, the EC had despatched teams to police stations nationwide to get copies of the burial permits.
    Last year, it succeeded in removing 10,064 names of dead voters from the electoral roll and informed their next of kin to produce copies of the death certificates.”
    Kamaruzaman said a team was also sent to 2,764 longhouses in Sarawak between January 2006 and October last year, and 12,807 dead voters were traced and reported to the National Registration Department.
    After consulting the longhouse heads and supported by the district officers, the 12,807 names were later removed from the electoral roll.

The above article is unclear and a bit contradictory. On one part they said that the Master Electorate Roll is free from dead votes. On another part Datuk Kamaruzaman Mohd Noor stated that the general election laws do not allow EC to remove the names of the deceased from the Master Electoral Roll. And later in the article, it was stated that:-
In an effort to clean the electoral list of names of dead voters, the EC had despatched teams to police stations nationwide to get copies of the burial permits………..
…After consulting the longhouse heads and supported by the district officers, the 12,807 names were later removed from the electoral roll.

The EC had admitted that under the election law, the names from the Master Electoral Roll cannot be removed but now they have removed the names of deceased from the Master Electoral Roll??

Banner for Shop

AhBeng: Ah Kao, our workshop is almost complete. Now all we need is a signboard for our shop.
AhKao: Ya lo, but wooden and plastic signboard so expensive hor, banner is cheaper. let’s get my friend Ah Ming to make one for us la. We put pictures of some cars and then hor, tell people what we do on our banner.
AhBeng: Ya! If people require anything hor, they can contact us.
AhBeng: eh AhKao, your friend AhMing England good one ah?
AhKao: Ok la, better than me. Let me call Ah Ming now…
*Toot tooot*
AhKao: Hallo Ahming ah, my shop needs a banner aa, can help me do ah, very easy only, put 2 pictures of nice cars and then say we specialise in this and that la. Then at the bottom there put something like if they require anything ah, please contact me @ XXXX.
AhMing: ok boss!
Few days later…


Sin Seng Nam Restaurant @ Lebuh Pasar Besar, Kuala Lumpur

[As of 28 February 2013, Sin Seng Nam is closed indefinitely]

Recently I’ve been eating at this coffee shop before going to court. It serves really great toasted bread with kaya (pandan paste) and butter and also yummy breakfast set!!

It’s also very popular among lawyers as it is located opposite the Malaysian Bar Council.

Other than their toast bread, their Hainanese chicken rice and pork chop are excellent.

The block of shophouses in which Sin Seng Nam Restaurant is located was built around 1906. In Sin Seng Nam Restaurant, pictures of the old Kuala Lumpur hang along the walls of Sing Seng Nam Restaurant. It’s an interesting sight.


Their service is sometimes quite terrible. I have, on couple of occasions, got screwed by the Indonesian waiters.

Me: Eh, Ada butter tak? (Do you have butter?)
Woman: Mengapa tadi tak cakap??? (Why didnt you ask for it just now?)
(walks off)

I thought she would come back with butter, but 10 mins later…no sign of my butter..fugger..

However, complaining to the boss would be of no use at all because the boss is worst than them…

Chuo Ming overheard a conversation between the boss and a Caucasian tourist.

Tourist: Hi..what does this say in the menu?
Boss: Read it yourself. I got no time to explain to you. If you dont like it, go to another restaurant.


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Related Links:
eatinout – Sin Seng Nam @ Leboh Pasar Besar
masak-masak – Hainanese Food @ Sin Seng Nam, Kuala Lumpur