After I tweeted, “What’s good to eat in Port Dickson”, some friends responded and recommending Lucky Curry Chicken Bun.
Immediately, I did a quick research on Google and found couple of blogs recommending Restoran Lucky for their Curry Chicken Bun. However, I couldn’t find any blogs showing the map to this place. There was one blog which gave rough description of the whereabouts and I followed it.
Viola! we found it!
Upon touching down Restoran Lucky, we ordered their curry chicken bun. It costs RM25 for the large bun whereas the small bun is RM20. They ran out of small bun hence we ordered the large bun – just for the two of us.
The large bun is about the size of a pomelo. Aaah.. reminds me of the pamelo girls in Ipoh.
Anyway, the kind waiter peeled the bun to expose a bowlful of yummy curry chicken. We dipped the bread with curry. It was heavenly!
Since it was just the two of us, we couldn’t finish it. I think we need at least 4 fellows to finish it.
To ease others to find this place, check out the map below. The easier way to get there is to exit at Lukut at the Seremban – PD highway, head to the town and keep an eye on your right side. It’s at a corner.
No 4366, Taman Aman, Jalan Besar,
71010 Lukut, Port Dickson, Negeri Seremban
Tel: 06-651 2392
We found this place while driving randomly around Port Dickson town. It’s not hard to miss. The entire building was lime green.
When I travel, I usually will not eat in a place unless it is recommended by friends, blogs, food websites and even 4square. Ice Room was recommended in a few blogs and 4square.
Looks like chicken meat!
Nut case – Peanut Snow Ice is highly recommended. It’s basically shaved ice cream with a strong taste of peanut butter. It’s like having a mixture of ice cream and peanut butter melting in your mouth.
A and I gobbled it within minutes!
I initially thought that this cafe is only available in Port Dickson but after a quick research, I realise that they have many branches all over Malaysia!
There’s one in Kota Damansara. Can’t wait to try it out!
Address for Port Dickson outlet
No 52 ,Jalan Raja Aman Shah,
71000, Port Dickson. Negeri Sembilan
Tel : 06 – 6479808,06 – 6476808
Other outlets check out the following links:
Bukit Bintang Area :
10 号胡同,K3,Hutong @ Lot 10,
Lot 10 Shopping Mall , Jalan Bukit Bintang
55100,Kuala Lumpur.
Bandar Baru Nilai :
No 200-201,Dahlia Mall,Jalan Nilai Square 6, Nilai Square
71800 Bandar Baru Nilai, Negeri Sembilan,Malaysia
Tel : 06 – 8506467,06 – 8506487
Cheras – Shamelin Area :
No 1,Lorong 6E/91,Taman Shamelin Perkasa.
Off Jalan Cheras 56100.Kuala Lumpur.
Tel : 03 – 92811586
Bandar Baru Bangi :
No 45, Jalan Medan Pusat 2D,
43650, Bandar Baru Bangi,
Negeri Selangor
Tel ; 03-89271501,0389269986
Kajang :
No 30, Jalan Metro Avenue 2 ,Metro Kajang
43000. Selangor
Bandar Baru Nilai Town Centre, 71800 Nilai, N. Sembilan
Tel : 06-8503754
Banting :
62 & 64, Jalan Emas 1 , Bandar Sungai Emas , 42700
Banting, Selangor Darul Ehsan.
Centre Kitchen :
PT7484, Jalan BBN 1/1E,
Bandar Baru Nilai Town Centre, 71800 Nilai, N. Sembilan
Tel : 06-8503754
Instead of welcoming the new year at bustling club in Kuala Lumpur, A and I decided to welcome 2011 in Port Dickson.
We packed our bags and headed straight to our hotel, Avillion Admiral Cove, in the afternoon.
Our initial plan in the evening is to jog at the treadmills in the hotel and swim.
Unfortunately, the gym was ill equipped. All we had was this….
Swimming was taken off from our list when we saw that the swimming pool was filled with kids. The thought of kids peeing in the swimming pool turned me off. There were around 10 kids. It was as if we were going to swim in a swimming pool of pee!
With all these activities off our plan, we headed to Port Dickson town to explore. It was like any other typical Malaysian town.
Except that they have an ooohsum shop by the name “Ice Room” which serves shaved ice cream.
Just right after we were done with dessert, we headed to Lukut for their famous Curry Chicken Bun.
Will blog about all these food outlets later.
I was expecting a quiet celebration in Port Dickson and it was indeed quiet. At 12 midnight, there were some fireworks here and there but nothing of magnificent scale like the one at Sydney.
The hotel’s pub had a small countdown. But we decided to skip it and roam around the hotel.
By 1am, we were back in our hotel and was ready for bed by 2am.
Welcome 2011. Best wishes to all readers for the new year!
We got off from the hotel at around 12:30pm and drove to Seremban for Yee Kee’s Beef Noodles. Some of you may remember that the makan team drove down to Seremban for Yee Kee’s Beef Noodles. Many thanks to Ivan Lau for his hospitality.
Yummy Beef Noodles.
Thereafter, in line with the tradition of KL-Lites, we bought some famous Seremban siew pao (pork buns) back home.
Recommended place to get Siew Pao. It’s just a stone throw away from Seremban Town.
Despite the negative publicity, I’m still going to blog about Freedom 08.
Cosmic Gate
The main area was extremely packed. Rubbish was over the place. Getting one place to another was a hard task. Our gang got broken up few times but were fortunate to find each other. Johnson on the other hand was a little bit unlucky as he disappeared without realising that his digital camera was with me. I had to carry it throughout the night.
Huge booth just to sell cigarettes
Man surrounded by rubbish
SASAU MAXIMUM HAHAHAHA, they were lying on the grass for quite some time.
ivN, Me & Eric
As you can see, it’s Acidtripping Ben’s first time hanging out with us. Only part of his face is revealed.
The gang. Acidtripping Ben saw some hot chick up there.
Acidtripping Ben tired. He partied so hard until he had fever the next day. At 12am, Tiesto replaced the Cosmic Gate. His 3 hours set was excellent – dropping all time favourite hits. Great laser beam show complimented his songs. It was also the first time I see such laser beam show in Malaysia. The only place I’ve seen them was in UK.
This was also the first time I see people selling Domino’s Pizza and Friday’s. They had booths set up just to sell them. They also have a booth selling sandwiches at RM5 per piece. It was quite tasty.
Domino’s Pizza
Redemption Booth
It ended with a video of him walking away – with his back facing the crowd. The rave ended at 3am. The gang went back to their rooms extremely tired.
Residents of Port Dickson are unhappy that the seaside town is being used by certain quarters to promote booze, drugs and promiscuity among the young.
Port Dickson assemblyman M Ravi said a recent wild party at the seaside was a real shocker to him and the community here. He said that such parties did more damage to the young than promote tourism. “I made a surprise visit to a so called world music event in the wee hours of Saturday morning and what I saw was shocking.
“Thousands of teenagers, many drunk and wearing skimpy clothing were misbehaving and some were even involved in substance abuse,” he claimed.
Oblivious to his surroundings: Two teenagers trying to wake a ‘fallen’ mate. [Note: HAHAHA SASAU MAXIMUM!!]
She said it also made little sense to see some female teenagers wearing swimsuits and other skimpy clothing although it was 4am. “When I asked them if their parents knew if they were here, they shied away. Most of them are from Kuala Lumpur,” she said.
A friend of hers said it was quite a sight to see several youths lying on the ground clearly intoxicated.
“Medical people were on standby but some of the party goers were too hysterical. Beers were sold openly and some had been drinking for hours,” he said.
Ravi said the authorities should not treat the matter lightly. “If the idea is to promote PD, then we can do without such events since it creates such a bad image,” he said
He said government departments which give out permits for such events should not “close an eye” when granting permits as this would be tantamount to endorsing social ills.
Source: The Star Newspaper
First of all, this article paints an extremely bad light on raves in Malaysia. As boob_omatic put it, “only sohais go to these kind of sohai events”. This article no doubt has caused negative effects on the public.
My group of friends and I went in free of drugs and sober. The ultimate aim was just to enjoy ourselves and meet up with friends that we’ve not seen for ages. On the 2nd day, the rave ended at 3am. Music was off and everyone was ushered out. If the patrons wants hang around the are until 4am, there is nothing the organisers can do if they are not within the perimeter of the rave. Further, there was police all over the place. They could have just asked everyone to go home. There may be bad apples that tainted this event but I personally think that it shouldn’t be a bar for raves to be held in Malaysia.
I hope they don’t ban all raves in Malaysia cause my friend Abang Fai (Fai Kor) wants to pei (trip) and he needs to do it outdoor. FAI KOR! YOU STILL GOT NEXT WEEEK!!
Freedom 08 was a 2 day dance event held at Admiral Marina, which is around 78km away from Kuala Lumpur. First day consists of DJ Ferry Corsten and DJ Tiesto. Second day was Cosmic Gate and DJ Tiesto again. Patrons have the option to opt for a 2-day ticket or a 1-day ticket. It’s the second time a rave was held at Admiral Marina.
The gang consisting of Acidtripping Ben, Angeline, Elaine, Eric, ivN, Sharon Dilirius, Jimmy, Heidi and I battered the traffic jam before reaching Port Dickson in the evening. We were stuck at one slow moving stretch near Seremban for half an hour – only to realise that the cause of the jam was one stupid hole in a divider.
Jam aaaaa!
Jimmy and Heidi came all the way from Jakarta, Indonesia to attend this rave. Acidtripping Ben on the other hand joined us to a rave for the first time.
We stayed at one hotel by the name Selesa Beach Resort, which is 2 hotels away from Admiral Marina. The room was pretty crap. ivN and Acidtripping Ben’s room smells of wet dog. And they don’t have warm shower too.
We had dinner at one waterfront restaurant nearby our hotel. It’s a very nice place but the food was crap.
Port Dickson beach – looks nice but polluted like hell.
They also forgot my order. I was so frustrated that I screamed, “WHERE THE F*** IS MY BURGER??”. It came few minutes later and they were nice enough to give me a complimentary ice lemon tea for the error. I hope they didn’t use my buns to wipe their armpit.
My 2 Liter Asahi Beer from Langkawi
Getting into Admiral Marina was painful. It was extremely crowded and hot. We had to endure a pushy crowd through their ticket and security counter to get into the venue. The crowd control was terrible. There were a few lanes opened for everyone to enter and everyone had to fight their way into the lanes – loads of queue cutting and pushing involved.
The crowd at the entrance
Someone actually wore this slipper to the rave. It’s our hotel’s slippers. Oh, one guy came in wheelchair too.
Security was pretty tight this time. They went through everyone’s pockets, wallets, handbags, cigarette boxes and even shoes to check for weapons, drugs and forbidden items. Some girls had their bags flipped upside down and shaken.
I was told that one of the forbidden items was candies (including chewing gum) and many had their candies confiscated. The worst bit is that recording gadgets are not allowed. Some friends had their camera batteries confiscated.
On the first night, some people were arrested after they were caught for drugs. A friend was arrested after they found pills hidden in his pocket. Hope he’ll be fine.
The venue made up mainly of 2 rooms, electronic dance music (main area) and R&B music. The main area was located on a sandy field. By the end of the night, I had sand everywhere.
Just as we stepped into the main room, someone screamed, “WOOOHOOO FERRY CORSTEN!!!”. Elaine: What a noob. Cosmic Gate is spinning la. Ferry Corsten was last night.
It is unfortunate that Cosmic Gate had to play before DJ Tiesto. It would be great to see Cosmic Gate to go all out.
Date: 9 & 10 May 2008, from 5pm till late. Ticketing
Privilege Sale
1-day Pass – RM78 per ticket *
2-day Pass – RM128 per ticket*
1-day Pass – RM88 per ticket*
2-day Pass – RM153 per ticket*
1-day and 2-day Passes are on sale at the following Axcess Ticket outlets:
• Axcess Ticket Box Office, 1Utama
• Rock Corner, Mid Valley Megamall
• Axcess Office, Jalan Semangat
• Tower Records, KLCC
Cabanas (for groups of 20 pax only)
FREEDOM Platinum – RM303 per ticket*
FREEDOM Gold – RM253 per ticket*
Ticket price includes 2-day Pass, drinks, cabana in exclusive private area, bar service staff, easy access public amenities and 10% discount for drink carton sales.
FREEDOM Platinum and Gold Cabanas are available at:
Scenique Productions Office,
Petaling Jaya. Tel: 03-7781 7302
Door Sale
1-day Pass – RM113 per ticket*
* Ticket price is inclusive of RM3 ticketing charge
Please call the Festival Hotline for more information
Festival Hotline: 03-7781 7302
Ticket Hotline: 03-7711 5000
Event strictly for 18 years and above only.
Hotel accommodation in PD
Admiral Marina & Leisure Club
5 ½ Mile, Jalan Pantai,
71050 Port Dickson, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia
General line: 06 – 647 0888
Fax line: 06 – 647 0889
Bayu Beach Resort, Port Dickson
7 km, Jalan Pantai,
71050 Port Dickson, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia
General line: 06 – 647 3703
Fax line: 06 – 647 2507
Unit 8D, Level 8, Wisma YPR,
No 1, Lorong Kapar, Off Jalan Syed Putra,
58000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
General line: 03 – 2273 3551
Fax line: 03 – 2273 1730
Avillion Village Resort, Port Dickson
3rd Mile, Jalan Pantai,
71000 Port Dickson, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia
General line: 06 – 647 6688
Fax line: 06 – 647 7688
Hotel Seri Malaysia, Port Dickson
Lot 49, Jalan Pantai, Batu 4,
71050 Port Dickson, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia
General line: 06 – 647 6070
Fax line: 06 – 647 6028
The Regency Tanjung Tuan Beach Resort, Port Dickson
Batu 5, Jalan Pantai,
71050 Port Dickson, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia
General line: 06 – 647 3013
Fax line: 06 – 647 5219
Selesa Beach Resort, Port Dickson
5th Mile, Jalan Pantai,
71050 Port Dickson, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia
General line: 06 – 647 4090
Fax line: 06 – 647 4792
Residence Desa Lagoon Resort, Port Dickson
5th Mile, Jalan Pantai,
71050 Port Dickson, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia
General line: 06 – 647 7515
Fax line: 06 – 647 7996
PD Perdana Condo Resort, Port Dickson
5 1/2 Mile, Jalan Pantai,
71050 Port Dickson, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia
General line: 06 – 647 7788
Fax line: 06 – 647 9828
PD World Marina Resort, Port Dickson
Batu 7, Jalan Pantai,
71050 Port Dickson, Teluk Kemang, Negeri
Sembilan, Malaysia
General line: 06 – 662 6367
Fax line: 06 – 662 7808
Note :
Free shuttle buses are available at all hotels mentioned above.
Operating hours: 7.30pm – 3.30am on the 9th and 10th of May ’08 only. To and fro trips are provided every 20 minutes.
More info @