work was good today

While working today, a ninja came to my office. She was asking whether or not she could chamber in this firm. So I went to talk to Steven, and said,

Me: Steven, a malay girl wants to chamber in this firm..
Steven: Chamber? I don’t think we have enough space for her. Look at the office now, we had to fight for a chair to sit!
Me: She’s outside waiting for you now..
Steven: Errr…is Miss Tan around? Ask her to talk to her.
Me: She’s not around…
Steven: err.. okay, I’ll go talk to her after I finish this.

15 minutes later, he’s still in his room. It seems that Steven didn’t really want to see the ninja. So I chatted with the ninja and I had to break the news that the firm is full. I thought she would stay and take a shot at her luck. However, within minutes, she left the office without saying goodbye. Ninjas are good at disappearing.

I was assigned to sort out passports of foreign workers for a Due Diligence Report. A Due Diligence report is a report of a company’s asset, financial status and other material information. Our client wanted to list his company on the share market, so we had to prepare a due diligence report. So today, they sent us a bunch of passport to show that their foreign workers are working in Malaysia legally. However, due to the incompetence of one of our client’s employees, she sent us duplicated copies of passport. I had to sort it out one by one, and mind you, there were about 250 passports to look at. One of my bosses quoted a friend of hers,

“The Bangadeshi workers are very good, so good that US firms sometimes offer them jobs in USA”

“But the Nepalese on the other hand, they are the worst. They don’t even know whats the red light for in traffic lights”

Hehe, sorry for the racist posts lately, cant help it la. 😀

6 thoughts on “work was good today”

  1. eh seksi not nice la u, apa ni ninja ninja ;D n u complain about racist experiences ‘chinks, gooks, yellows’ hahaha

  2. haha ben sssshh..not too harsh 😀 ratz: aiyah, just kidding la.. ISA wont arrest me for that laaa…penny: read my previous postsehsehlan: aiyah ninja not as bad as chinks gooks turtle fuckers… eheheh

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