Web Master Leong has flew into the koo koo’s nest. I mean would u all take a good look at him? It’s nice really but FOR FUCK SAKE it’s just so so…words just can’t describe it. But hell it’s cool. Nowander he’s been keeping his hair long eh

I know i’ve been lost for sometime. Only because there’re so many things stressing me up lately. Studies mainly though. I know it ain’t a valid excuse but seriously, studying sucks ass man. Just got over the last paper two days back and realised that never again do i have to sit in some shitty exam hall and get all terrified over some cutted-tree-paper with words. Add to that, no more lecture theaters and tutorial classes for the rest of my life. At least i do choose to believe that from now on.

There’s so much happening in the world today that it’s really getting out of hand. Saddam is fucked, Osama rises from the dead, poor bali, malaysia threaten, warning from Osama to Australians, Bali bomber smiles hysterically in court, Tai lou Leong braids his hair, Monash shootings, etc. It’s just too much information at one go! Why can’t the world just be filled with naked chicks. It would be so much more peaceful. *choose to believe*

Avril Lavigne is teh sexxe! A momment of silence please. *fantasizes*

8:27 p.m