Like Wee Kiat, I was also happily typing a post yesterday when my IE decided to close on me. BAHHH! So I shall cut short the drama of my sister and I fighting yesterday – she pissed me off I slapped her she whacked my head so I whalloped her an hour later many tears and hugs all is good now. 😛
Moving on, if you guys remember about Vivien, our resident ghost in Watson 16 – well, she has made an appearance! *insert appropriate Twilight Zone tune again* It was another typical night in the house, the guys were at the PS2 and Frank was doing some tarot card reading in the livingroom. Then someone in the room (whose name I don’t wanna reveal) suddenly became very pale, very cold and she started to cry… I noticed, so I pulled her out of the room and asked what the hell was wrong? Then she told me that she saw a figure of a young child of about 8-9 years old with shoulder-length dark hair and a fringe, wearing a flower-printed dress to her knees and socks but she couldn’t see if there were feet. The figure was standing by the entrance to the livingroom and started off rather blur but slowly got clearer bit by bit. She had no face.
(I was silently screaming inside when she was telling me all this)
We went back to the livingroom but she couldn’t see the figure anymore. She didn’t know about our Vivien story either, so she couldn’t have been making it up to entertain us. Something playing with her eyes or was there really an apparition in the livingroom that night?
OK, enough about such scary shit… Leong-la! Told me to post about this, typing about it now is only making myself scared. need to get my mind off it need to get my mind off it need to get my mind off it
Ahh yesss, Fred bought durians for us today. WHat is this I hear?? DuriaNs?? IN UK?!? 13 POUNDS EACH!?!??!?! Ok, so I thought it was kinda cool, to be eating the all-heaty durians in a cold country like UK. Apparently the durians were from somewhere in UK. I didn’t know they had any durian plantations, or a tree even, all the way here. Here’s a photo taken today with (from L-R) Alex, Fred, Mindy, Chuo Ming and the fruit. It almost looks like home!!

And to all who know Wei Chen, his 22nd birthday is this coming Monday!!! He claims that no one knows, that he will be celebrating it alone, blah blah blahhh… I bet he would be too busy on that day to even bother chatting with me, so suCk it in boy 😉 you are gonna have a great time.
Before I forget, to all who know my sister – guess what!!! She got herself her first boyfriend!!! WOO HOO!!! I can’t tell who it is yet, but I am really itching to…. ah well, I will get my way soon enough. Wish you two the very, very best. 😀 *HUGS*