cars for sale!

Anybody in Melbourne wants to buy 2nd hand cars? My friend could get one @ wholesale price 😀
Mail Ker Hoong @

* note ker hoong is the bomb!!

So guys, after looking @ that picture, please mail if ONLY IF YOU WANT TO BUY A CAR. SHE’S ATTACHED!!!

kerhoong (3:01 PM) :
if i dun make money ahh
i will tear your ass apart

pls pls pls buy a car from herrrrr..

Photos from British International Motor 2002.


8 thoughts on “cars for sale!”

  1. ..I was there at the exhibition with xes. Also the place where I broke up with my girl in Malaysia through the fucked up cellphone. Anyway, the Porsche Targa is £69,000 on the road and the 911 (seen in pictures) costs £86,000. The black one had GPRS,SMS,Phone,StepTronic, 380bhp – that one is £120,000. (Anyway its UK ok ? Malaysia – x2 times more) ..Unless you know the customs officer and take it back through one of the free duty ports (Labuan or Langkawi) and with a Import Permit. Then – got discount 65% on the overall price after calculation of the taxes.Alternatively, When AFTA arrives, from UK send to Thailand, and then enter Langkawi. You can save even more 😉

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