I finally went to Zouk. Nice place, huge dance floor and great air condition. Further, no stupid long queues. Toilets were clean too ^_^
Ferry Corsten was good. He played an uplifting trance set which was danceable. However, what pisses me off is that, there were rumours of raid flying around. Apparently, another club, Atmosphere was raided by police hence the news spread over to Zouk. It?s kinda scary when you see a bunch of people rushing out from the club. Fortunately, there was no raid. The set lasted till 3AM.
However, most of us didn?t dare to go back inside as we were afraid that we?ll be locked in. We spent the remaining 45 minutes outside the club. God damn it.
Pictures from Don!
I gotta put this picture.
Medium size Ben (formally known as Big Ben but degraded to Medium size after losing 22KG) and Me.
fill me in here. i’ve not been in a club that was raided before. *haha*i mean…hmm…why is there a raid and if you didn’t do anything illegal, you need not worry, right? Uhmm…*hehe* or no?
FeR: you wouldnt want to stay in the clubs to get your urine tested. imagine the hassle. ;Pxes: hahah sounded fun though
the police raided for people who took pleasure in people who bleed….. Cheng Leong…. guilty now??? Muahaha….dun la feng tau so much…not good…..
cool photo and effect
you haven’t been to zouk before? and…..kaku…lalas? hahahhahhaha
What that light thing you’re playing with?
I can actually see a X, E and S in the light thing!
BEN!!!! tell me how u lose 22 KG…PLZ PLZ PLZ PLZ!!!!!
applegal: well you must be tripping hahahah, just kidding, well these are what we call as lights, that’s it. or neon lights.xes: hey why la you cau de mau so fast? Dont’ understand why you guys so scared and left so early, we were there all the way till it ended and it was safe, got sources inside and it was all good till the last bit
man, that’s ben? so different from the last time i saw him. how the hell did he lose 22kgs???
yaRh ben lost so much weight. can hardly recognize o.O
elaine: dont worry u will still recognise him..he’s still with his trademark checker tshirt and baggy pantsapplegal: wow..ididnt notice ehhe fer: illegal or not..you dont want them to haul u to the nearest police station for urine test kekekerhoong: i yearn for your blood!! gguni: don’s creation
irenekay: u dont need to lose weight la.. u good enough already hehe laine: i have been now
johnson: we tried going back in..then all of a sudden..a bunch of people started rushing out from the club..chee pet..we got scared and leftryuu: he eats a meal a day and goes to the gym from 6am everyday till afternoon..
hei who is the guy in the second picture??? the picture with the lights!!! looks familiar??
Xes -you have a cute tongue!!!
expl: thats johnson
xenon: hehe tahnks mate..its only for girls though ahhaha
xes: pussssyyyyy
johnson huh…i saw a guy who look like him doing melbourne shuffle in Zouk when Tiesto came that night…wondering whether is him…