The gang celebrated Kim?s birthday at Deutches Bierhouse. Expensive food though, so expensive that I skipped the dinner and headed down to the nearest McDonalds. Sorry Kim I was broke!
After dinner, we headed to Cristo?s to get Kim and her cousin drunk. Well, after numerous shots of liquor and flaming lambos, they were drunk. And guess what, Kim is only 16th and her cousin is only 15th
Btw, Nice meeting you Lynnzter!
i’m not in the picture cause i was the camera man
More pictures @ Sui Lin‘s website (the camera lady is back!).
Internet down
My broadband Internet connection is down! Apparently, my modem and switch were fried by lighting last night. Moreover, my tenant?s computer was also deep fried by lightning.
Damn, I feel so turn off running on a dialup connection.
hehehe. i think i vomitted everything i consume.HUSH about our age.:
i like this picture!!!! hehehe i think Kim’s frend. the ang mo gf is h0t
kim, dont worry, u guys dont look your age cris: her name is stella too..ahhahaha
age must be hushhhhhed! :underage drunkness is a felony!crist: stella? yeah, she’s very nice looking.
Nice meeting you too, Cheng-Leong !