Melbourne Shuffle and gmail

I have a blogger account but I can’t register a gmail account there!! How do I fucking register a fucking gmail account??
My bloody 10MB hotmail account will be terminated next month. I can’t renew it cause they don’t fucking accept Malaysia Credit Card. ARGHHH HOOWW??

Frank’s birthday
Frankโ€™s birthday was great. Frederick and HC bought him 2 tall glasses of Graveyard (power shit). He finished it in no time. Initially he was fine, talking normally. Then few minutes later, he spoke loudly and made some funny comments. No doubt he was fucked!! No one can withhold the power of Graveyard!!

Unfortunately, we had no eggs throwing ceremony this year. Initially we wanted to hire an escort girl for him. Too bad it didnโ€™t work out. Imagine we got him a super duper voluptuous lady to spend the night with him..Ahh..and the next best thing would beโ€ฆfinding out that the voluptuous girl he slept with was a transsexual.

Anyway, more mails enquiring about Melbourne Shuffle!

hey dude,
gr8 video footage of the melb shuff…first time i saw the dance done i fell in luv…is there any chance u mite be able to post more video of ppl doin the shuffle on ur site? if i could afford or get my hands on a camcorder id take some footage myself but im struggling to do so…even if u hav some footage on ur PC that u dun reckon is good enuf for ppl to download, id luv to hav a look, thanx mate…keep up the good work!


This one is really interesting


*you don’t know me but please read before you delete*

I often go to big houseparties in Holland and Germany for quite a couple of
years now.

In Germany I found that people were dancing very differently from what we are
used to in Holland.

So I started looking on forums to find anything about this new way of dancing. (
this was about a year ago )

Eventually, I ended up at and ofcourse your site. I was amazed by
the fact that this dance originated from Melbourne, since I first saw it in
Germany. ( is this true, or is it just Melbourne that claimes the dance, no
offence! )

Anyway I really enjoyed watching the video’s and I actually start to get the
shuffle going.

The reason why I am mailing you right now is because I read your page gets quite
some hits.

I found two German websites on the melbourne shuffle ( although it is never
mentioned by that name ). Here are the links:

The first one requires you the create an account in order to download the
video’s. But there are quite a lot of them and people continue to upoad stuff.
They film thereselfs in their rooms, at clubs, housparties, shoppingmalls,
train… you name it. Some are good, others are really bad. You won’t believe it
but even your video is on their website ๐Ÿ™‚ your famous man!

I thought you might wanted to put these links on your website so that more
people can find out about the Melbourne shuffle.

I would really appreciate it if you would email me if you find anything new on
the shuffle.

Let’s get the whole world shuffling!


Kris from The Netherlands

Another great shuffling video by Gwizz (Right click to save)

16 thoughts on “Melbourne Shuffle and gmail”

  1. Franks, bday was damn cun, no joke, he down the graveyard like a man, damn pro, hahhaahin my car dat time was the best, he took down the window and suween tot he wanted to jump out! hahaa .. frank ur the man! down 2 tall graveyard still standing

  2. i also want my gmail acc!!try asking gavin la.i think he has one…unless he has used up all his invites….or else ask uncle sow…he has one too!and if you get it….you fucking better invite me!eheeh

  3. bad news man…Gmail is by invitation only right now for ppl who’ve been on blogger for some time…you’ll have to wait like the rest of us for it to get outta beta stage ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Ben: aah..thanks anyway..great appreciated ;D hc: hahahah i can imagine cursing when you guys were laughin at him for trying to commit suididelyyngupao: HMPH dogma: ahh its okay ๐Ÿ˜€ frank: aiseh nvm..we got it on video heeh yummie: where got big business..kekeekterjin: ekke iwill wii llllaine: i have a blogger account..i had it since 2002!! god damn it! jasmine: really?! . your help is greatly appreciateed! ๐Ÿ˜€

  5. omg, and u don’t have gmail! That’s so unfair! is this the same Gwizz video as the one in hardstep? I was looking for more GWizz after I downloaded it there

  6. Oooh that is the video i have (I’m kinda talking to myself on your comments, arent I?)Know where I can get any others if they’re out there?

  7. *blush* Comments flooder, sorry!Anyways, nvm, just checked out Vibeab, should probably do it more regularly ๐Ÿ˜›

  8. Hi,thanks to mention my site ;)I like the Melbourne shuffle. If some guys here are interessted in creating an own Section on hardstep for the melbourne shuffle you are very welcome.I want to make an english Mirror for our site and an international Forum-Section.The Site needs a lot of time and we are too busy for an english AND german Version.Any help is welcome.keep on shuffling =)Michael

  9. laine: kekeke more video will come ๐Ÿ˜€ dancinghomer :cheers mate. hope you post moer videos! ๐Ÿ˜€

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