16 thoughts on “Memoirs of a Geisha”

  1. jane: sayuri is supposed to be a famous prostitute/geisha(that’s what i read from synopsis). is this true? I can’t find any reference on that :O

  2. Haven’t read the book, but watching the trailer just makes me sure the book didn’t mean it to be a tragic love story. 😛
    But Zhang Zi Yi…who cares….w00ts!

  3. jane: heeeee sayuri? the real person’s name ne.
    Leo: yes, she can speak english 😀 the trailer is in english
    dogma: read wikipedia!
    leesh: ahha i LOL when i first read that pickup line
    wolfx: the book looks interesting 😀 i read abit of it! butthen there’s a controversy in the book. go read it @ wikipedia hehe

  4. her character name is Sayuri…..and the book RAWKZ!!!!….US releasing it on 23rd (i think) dec…blardee helll msia so late…..
    apparently the japanese werent happ bout the chinese casting…

  5. the actresses were chosen for their acting abilities. and the japanese probably lacks in that department. but their actresses in the adult industry are probably better. HAHA

  6. xes: hehe jane is right..cos in some countries.. memoirs of a geisha is released as Sayuri, and not memoirs of a geisha :p i saw it on TV!!!~ freaking stupid Taiwan doesnt have it yet GROWL!!~ in the books they had x rated scenes, not sure about the movies 😛 so i thought they chose zhang zhi yi because she’d take it off infront of the camera har har!

  7. Zhang ZiYi is pretty, but:
    1- Gong Li is MUCH hotter than Ms Zhang.
    2- I think the little girl is also prettier than Ms Zhang.
    3- Ms Zhang does NOT look good in the stupid all white geisha make up. looks more like adams family than sexual entertainers.

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