Restoran Juimoon, Mentakab, Pahang

Although I’ve been to Mentakab three times, I haven’t been able to find a hawker stall that serves good food. I tried googling it but nothing came about. All I know is that Patin fish is good in Mentakab.

However, Restoran Juimoon is quite good for dinner. It’s a nice Chinese restaurant. There is a section for people to hold weddings and birthdays. I was there to attend a wedding and also a birthday.

A’s cousin got married and she got a designer from Beijing to make her a Lady Gaga-style-dress.

If you’re in Mentakab and would like to find a good place to eat. You can try Restoran Juimoon.

You must try their fish, roasted piglet and shark fin’s soup (yes, I know its cruel to eat but it mmm yummyyy).

There aren’t many things to do in Mentakab at night. But if you like fishing, try heading to “Relax One” to catch prawns and fishes. It’s just a few minutes drive from Juimoon.

Nice place to relax and remember to release the fishes or prawns back into the pool after catching them.

Other than Juimoon, anyone knows what else is good at Mentakab?

26, 28 & 30, Jalan 2/4, Taman Perindustrian Temerloh, Mentakab 28400
Tel: 09 270 1710, 013 934 8899


5 thoughts on “Restoran Juimoon, Mentakab, Pahang”

  1. Mentakab – u can try prawn noodle and rojak at the Public Bank there,prefer vegetarian can go to the shop in front of Old Town,tat sell organic fruits for Hakka Lei Cha,prefer porky can go to the hawker next to old town,Restaurant SongSong(i forget how it spell) for Roast Pork Noodle

    Temerloh – ABC near traffic light for Grilled fish,Ann Loke Yuen for Hainanese Chicken rice,for the best BBQ pork(wantan noodle) go to ‘Ah Sang” aka Riverside(breakfast)

    anyway juz find a local den they will bring u to all the place i mention above..wakaka

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