
A long long time ago, i saw this sign in a toilet…

hmmm..why would people wanna do that. So i tried

Damn it, not nice also…
hmmm…maybe it’s nicer if i have my pants down…

11 thoughts on “Toilet…”

  1. hahaha! talking about toilet seats!
    only one week and one day the new LCCT’s been operating, the toilet seat all missing!!! either they wanted to bring it back to their kampung for souvenirs or they stood/squat on it till it broke! tsk tsk.

  2. Just so you know, people step on the toilet seat because they do not want to sit on it with their bare ass, afraid that they might get herpes or something. Hence, they step on the seat and squat. For example, if they need to take a huge dunk. 90% of the women out there does this. So this sign is widely seen in most of the women toilet and it’s known that the women toilet is 3940714140189 times dirtier than mens. Hope you are enlighten now

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