My internet was down on Tuesday…So, how do i feel when i learnt about it on Tuesday evening?
“Hmmm…no problem lar..Telekom Problem. I just prepare my Skeletal Submission for Thursday case lar.”
The next day, the Landlady ( i share the Broadband with my landlady) call Telekom. They said that it could be there broadband software. They had a lot of complaint from Bukit Raja’s resident. And how do i feel?
“diu lar, Software problem! What have Klang’s port do with PJ’s? Aiya, never mind i just study tommorow’s case lar.”
On thursday, the Landlady told me that the it was the Modem. She send it out to be repaired and we probably would be getting it back in a month time.
“Fuck! One month…what am i gonna do after i get back from work. I don’t fucking have a TV!!!..ARGHHHHH…stress!!!”
On Friday, i tried to play Championship Manager to kill time. Then all of a sudden, my power supply blew…ARRRRRGH…NO INTERNET AND NO COMPUTER!!!
Finally on Saturday, i replaced my Power Supply with a better one and MORE powerful one…The landlady manage to borrow a modem for the Low Yat people. Now, i have my computer and internet back.
Thank You, God.
good for you…broadband is more important than TV….hehe
Long live broadband. Amen
Hehe….your PC and modem being haunted by hungry ghosts? 😛
Beware, your monitor’s next. 😛
That’s what computer meant for a man without TV, no Astro and sometimes no Happy hours after work…hahahhaha
HA haha!!
That is so shit.. I totally know what it feels like. I don’t have a TV either, and when I first moved into my apartment, I broke my laptop -_-
so that’s why u’ve been so quiet. *hehe* tot wat, working hard on some court of appeal case… ;P
yvonne: LOL…I don’t handle any Court Of Appeal case lar…no locus lar, cannot appear oso…hehe
fucking lucky i only saw you on saturday. LOL.
Irene: u r lucky that i got my internet and comp back or else ar….i will be off somewhere ady…hahhaha